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  1. P

    W124 1994 E280 breaking (Tourmaline Green)

    Hi all, Head Gasket failure has claimed my E280, but my loss may be your gain.:o I'm going to have it scrapped, unless anyone wants the whole thing(?). Any of the non-rolling parts are available, but you'll have to be quick as it's on a public road and I won't leave it there for very long...
  2. SilverSaloon

    W124 E300D multivalve (1994) diff ratio

    hi does anyone know (to save me crawling under the car in the dark tonight) what diff radio a 1994 W124 E300D estate should use? thanks derek
  3. SilverSaloon

    part number needed for 1994 (facelift W124) E300D balljoint

    Hi Does anyone know the MB part numbers for: - W124 lower balljoint - nut that goes on the balljoint (unless its included?) - nut and bolt that secures the balljoint by passing through the notch in it Thanks in advance!! Derek p.s. guess what gawd awful job i have planned for...
  4. D

    1994 w124 estate tail lights not working

    I got the bulb warning light on the dash. Got home and checked the rear tail light clusters. Only the bottom most lights (not sure what ones these are) work when I turn on the headlights. The tailgate number plate lights are fine. The headlamps dipped and main beam are okay. The parking...
  5. tmwsccsh

    1994 SL500 - Heated Wing Mirrors?

    Hi All, As the title suggests, does the 1994 SL500 have Heated Wing Mirrors? I don't have a hard top so never use the rear demist button, however was wondering if the wing mirrors were heated or not and, if so, does the rear screen demist button activate them too (as it does on other...
  6. G

    how do i get the centre heater blower out W124 1994

    Hi I want to get the centre heater blower out so i can get the dash panel off to fix the heater blower control switch as the light has stopped working and the dial won't completely shut off. I think the cable has come off the back and is fowling it up. I have undone the 2clips on the right side...
  7. N

    W140 1994 S280 Project

    Im open to realistic offers for my 94 S280 as need the space on my drive. She will to be collected on a trailer as needs a driveshaft. There is a cracking set of AMG I alloys fitted all the tyres with excellent tread.. I really dont want to sell the car but health restrictions prevent me...
  8. G

    Internal lights 1994 E320 coupe

    Hi there, The internal light that comes on when you open the door has stopped working, the reading light still works. Can anyone tell me how to fix it please. Also the light for the gear selector has stopped working properly, it comes on now and again but is mostly off. Also the light for...
  9. G

    Replacement aerial E320 coupe 1994

    Hi there, my aerial doesnt retract fully and the rubber is perished so I think I should replace it. I have found a universal aerial on Amazon that says it will fit Mercedes of this age here is the link, 12v Car Universal Stainless Steel Electric Automatic Wing Mount Aerial: Amazon.co.uk: Car &...
  10. P

    1994 W124c Starting problem

    Had my car in storage for 8 months and started it regularly to run the engine with no problems. On taking it out of storage i experienced the following problem. The car ran fine for about 15 minutes and then stopped. Over the last few weeks it either will not start i.e. turns over but will not...
  11. G

    Dash board lights out on E320 1994

    Hi there, The dash board lights are out on my 1994 E320 can anyone please tell me how to rectify this. I have looked in the fuse box but all seem to be in tact, I took out fuse 3 and 5 and gave them a rub with sand paper as they seemed to be the ones refered to in the fuse box that are for...
  12. bomber124

    W124 1994 multivalve diesel. Will not start !!!!!!!

    Please help me !!!!! My beloved 124 died on me in January. She has been stood now for 8 months and I need her back on the road. Whilst defrosting her on a cold morning the engine spluttered to a halt ( that's the last time she ran ). We tried a whole can of easy start and she made...
  13. O

    1994 W124 e280 Estate Replacement ICE unit?

    Hi All, I have the original OEM Blaukpunkt cassette system in the car and would like to replace it with something more modern. With regards to fitting, are most makes out there a suitable fit as a direct replacement to the original unit? Any recommendations of suitable units welcomed. Any...
  14. G

    misfiring and fast idling on w124, 1994 E200

    I've got a progressively developing fault on my W124 estate. It started in the colder weather when at start-up the engine sounded like it was firing on three cylinders for about 10 to seconds, then it would clear itself and run smoothly. Now the weather has warmed up, the lumpy running at...
  15. M

    S124 e280t 1994

    Mine is on ebay now with 1 year's MOT, and a recommendation on the other side from Silverstar129, from a previous owner, who must have recognised the part reg no in the pix ! Item number:190850614807
  16. G

    E320 coupe 1994 Auxiliary heater

    Hi there I have just bought a E320 coupe. It has an auxiliary heater but im not sure how it works. Can anyone please tell me how it works and which button activates it. Thanks G
  17. michaelk3289

    1994 s124 e320 breaking or selling as whole car

    So my big plans for my car are over! Failed its MOT Car is with Andy at wright tech in sidcup, car has corrosion in subframe and requires welding, give him a call on 0208 8308 9175 he has the MOT and list of failures, would rather sell it as whole car rather than break but will break if need...
  18. O

    1994 Mercedes sl 280 transmission issue

    Hi all, Just purchased a very nice SL 280. At low speed when the auto box changes from first to second, there is hum from the rear end for half a second, its not a grind but Hmmmmm. Any ideas or suggestions?
  19. W140s500

    W140 1 Button Key fob repairable ?

    Hello,I wonder if I may ask a already answered question ? I have a 1994 S500 which only has 1 working key,which isn't such a great idea.My other 2 keys are the same 1 button type,but have no output from the infa red transmitter;I have tried new genuine Mercedes batterys,and even opened the...
  20. michaelk3289

    1994 M 300d estate BCA blackbush

    Hi there evetyone. Though a few members might be interested to know there is a 300d going through blackbush on the 18th feb Cant seem to add the link. Maybe one of the forum users can help with this Not aure what the colour is called but it seems to be a gold/silver, no alloys and 200k ish on...
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