Hello members, I am after a good set of
Rear quarters from a e500/500e w124.
If Someone can help locate a pair there
Is a cash incentive for who can come up with
The goods. It will be in the few hundred dollar
Range So I would like to thank you all
And good luck.
Just been thumbing through my Mercedes Enthusiast :o ("Just get it for the adverts" - bit like subscribing to Penthouse "for the crossword...") :rolleyes:
Anyway, like the busses, 8 come along together:
4 at Avantegarde including a Limited
2 at Charles Ironside including another...
A great looking set of front seats for someone with a w124, and its Talbir Bains selling them so Im sure thay are as good as they look in the pics!
Hello all,
i vaguely remember seeing a link to a 500E/E500 video. Been searchinf the forum for hours but can't find it. Anyone remembers it ? :confused: