I have just had my Active cornering lights disabled because I have had twice had near miss accidents because of them.
On both occasions I have indicated left at a T junction and as I've approached the left turn a car has been sat in the middle of the road waiting to turn right into the same...
'have had a little trouble lately with my desktop screen (a flat one)
it seems tiring to use , and have been advised to cansider an active matrix type , can any savvy PC people advice on the merits please?
Last night the Active Body Control: Drive Carefully! Warning light came on. As I pulled up to the lights I also noticed burning oil coming from underneath on the passengers side.
Upon referring to the handbook it said (as I had assumed) that this meant the ABC was inoperative and to drive...
i know next to nothing about ice, so be gentle with me, bought a clarion srv-303 active sub,, the small one about a foot square and 2" thick, to fit under the front seat, want to use the RCA outputs on the kenwood head unit to go to the sub but the rear parcle shelf speakers are plugged into...
Up for sale are 2 seats. 2003 E55 AMG active cornering dynamic, heated, orthopedically adjustable, and massaging feature. Really really nice shape. email [email protected] I am in Houston, TX, USA. I will ship anywhere.
As the membership figure is now over 1,300, how many are
actually active and how many are dormant members ?
The postings seem to be coming from the same 15 - 20 members.