I am unable to open PDF attachments to emails from Yahoo and msn. I think I did something to Adobe files. How can I uninstall Adobe and start again? If I use Google Chrome and Moxilla/Firefox, do I have to install Adobe for these seperately? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking of lowering my w204 and powder coating the alloys wheels and was wondering if i stuck a picture up, could any of you guys edit it for me by dropping it around 30mm and changing the colour of the wheels so i can see what it'll look like?
Everything worked fine until just recently, now whenever I want to print from Internet Explorer 7 I get the same error message; The path is correct (or at least it exists) but no files in that folder. My actual USERS folder is on a different drive but then it always has been...
How do I...
I'm sure one of the more proficient photographers here can give me a hand here!
I grabbed some pictures off a friends camera from my trip to France, but when I added them to my pictures, I noticed that he had his date/time set somewhere in 2006, thus messing up my picture viewers "sort...
I have loads of PDF files that I need to alter but I have no idea how, is there a program I have to get in order to do this or am I just bieng particularly stupid :confused:
Just tried out Adobe acrobat 7 with Firefox. Wont load hypertex linked pdfs from web pages!:confused: :confused: Its much faster than Adobe 6 but has some annoying features like an exe file that runs from startup and another one which continues to run in memory unless you actively kill it after...
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Hmm, not sure about this one. They do have competing products, but new features in one usually leads to new features in the other.
Fireworks <> Photoshop: Use them both extensively
Freehand <> Illustrator: Prefer Illustrator
Flash <> LiveMotion: Flash, obviously...