First, this is two pictures of the remote in the cup holder bit, we had to remove the thing that looked like a lipstick holder so i could still use it as a cup holder.
Then here is two shots of the Kicker KX400 Amp and L7 Sub.
Does anyone know if the light on the front of a Kicker amp can glow in more then one colour? Mine is red right now but i could have sworn that it was green when i first got it installed, do the different coloured lights mean something or is it just my imagination?
car audio direct are selling off mac audio mac energy 600 amplifiers for less than a hundred quid
ok its not the best lookign amp but it does the power rated (unlike the sony, splx, boss...
hi guys,
does anyone knowwhere the bose amplifier is located in a c_250 of 1997-1998?Because I have searched it but it wasimpossible to find it in my car.
After hearing both Scott n Graham's ICE at the gtg - I am now convinced that I do want some more bass in mine. So what to do?
This is going to be my crimbo pressy so what should I be looking for n how do I get it fitted. Most of you know - I am very nervous about doing anything that means...
I just went down to the local HiFi specialist who told me that there are no RCA outs to connect an amp from the Becker Audio 30 unit...:( The system is totally optical, is there any way an amp can be cleanly hooked to this system... I don't want to waste more money with a high level input.... I...
If anyone is interested I can bring this to the GTG.
If nobody is interested I won't bring it, so say!
I am sure I will accept any reasonable offer, as it's just sat in my spare bedroom.
Kenwood KFC-W2500 10" Subwoofer in Ported Carpeted Box. Thereis also a removable metal grille (not...
This is a long shot but does anyone know what wires go where on a BOSE amp, i cant sell it so im going to try and fit it, if someone has one if they could have a look and see what colour wires go where, i dont have the plug so its just guess work otherwise.
Just wanted to check with any of you guys running additional amplifiers - how hot do they get?
I noticed mine gets extremely hot, to the extent you cannot touch it. Is this normal, is the exterior case/heatsink suppossed to be that hot when in use?
I have mine mounted under the false...