I noticed this over the weekend - bit of muck and slightly damp round the boot hinges.
I thought I’d cleaned this area thoroughly when I bought the car but turns out the drainage channel under the plastic cover was blocked. The picture below is the left side - the right side was far...
Hello guys. I have c250 2010 and only just found out it has dab built in however the signal must be really weak as it dose not hardly see any stations. The only ones it will find is a select few of local stations but nothing national. Id really like to fix this and wonder if anyone has any...
Hi all
I have a CL65 2004 and was wondering if anyone knows what will be the best fix to getting digital tv channels as my analogue channels have stopped working since the digital switch over
Any help appreciated.
The area around the wipers on my car was holding water and the drain hole near the passenger side door on the wiper panel was well blocked.
I used a wire coathanger and bent the end over after straitening it out so there was no sharp edges.
a few gentle pushes saw a gush of water come our on...
Hi folks ,
lots of info on tv at the moment regarding digital switchover in my area .
Does this mean I will lose the tv pics in my car .Its not a freeview system ,so I presume it will not work when anologue is switched off tomorrow .:dk::dk::dk:
Any suggestions ??