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  1. KLP 92

    Had some pri*k crash into me

    Had an accident this morning. Was moving along in traffic when the car in front suddenly braked. I hit a hardish brake, managed to stop in time but the chap behind me crashed into me! Simple case, or not??? Well looked behind and I see the car turning his car around!! I started to turn my...
  2. SilverSaloon

    S Class Crash!

    hope it hasnt been posted before!! http://www.shopautobahn.com/v-hitech.html
  3. KillerHERTZ

    Near crash

    Tonight I was driving along, and I notice the windows were really steaming up even though I had the heater on. Then I noticed that the vents had been shut (service last week) so I opened them both while I was driving along. About a mile or so down the road I feel only what I can discribe...
  4. janner

    Mercedes crash tests.

    Found this posted on another site. I'd rather be in the W140 than the white golf..
  5. pammy

    Wanted - Crash Bash PS1 game

    PS1 game from the Crash Bandicoot series. Anyone got one they don't want anymore?
  6. CAT220

    Nasty Crash!

    Dont think masking tape will do the job on this one...! http://www.jon44w.com/site3/viewthread.php?tid=603 God knows how that happened!
  7. Sp!ke

    Interesting Crash video's

  8. marc777

    W211 crash with police car - the result

    Anil found a website in Germany for W211's. On it I found this picture. Very thought provoking - it appears to show the result of a crash at 150 kph between W211 and a Police Skodia Felicia. I know which car I would want to be in....any German translation of the following available? The...
  9. KillerHERTZ

    Another crash (this is worse)

    Today I was driving along and I approached a mini-roundabout (those crappy dots in the road) and over I went, at the same time another bloke was burning around it comming from my right. As I watched him nearly hit me I end up in the back of a '03 reg Ford Focus :( The focus then hits...
  10. PeterG

    Merc crash test dummies

    http://www.whnet.com/4x4/crashes.html pete
  11. guydewdney

    crash 26....

    going round the roundabout under the M25 / A41 (jcn 20 / watford) in outside of 3 lanes, go past watford turning, start to indicate left for M25 south. old biddy in a powder blue rover (old one - 213?) pulls out on me - slam anchors on - skid (ok ABS) toa halt 6" from her door - she slows...
  12. KillerHERTZ

    Small Crash

    Today while driving in slow moving traffic (in rain) for about 10mins, I saw the car infront edging foward & I looked in my RVM. Then smack, I hit it sending the Pug 306 in front about 5 metres forward! The womens car was totally undamaged. I recived a cracked number plate surround, and...
  13. guydewdney

    crash II

    just crashed the missus's sprinter.... trying to park it (badly) on a kerb to nip to a cashpoint.. revved it (its an auto) to get the back wheel over the kerb. stamped on brake. it wasnt the brake. :eek: (brake and accelerator are very close together) - 2 1/2 tonnes of sprinter...
  14. D


    I tried to get out of our road in the snow this morning and slid off a roundabout crashing my wifes car into a very high kerb. It now has a triangle shaped front wheel. I must have knackered the suspension as well :( :o Further report when I've had it looked at!
  15. Steve_Perry

    Big Crash on M6, Jn 15 to Jn 16 :(

    Just a heads up for anyone that uses this stretch of the M6. Looks like a lorry crashed into a tanker. News reports suggest this section is going to be out action until tomorrow. Sounded quite major :( *EDIT* http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4286009.stm S.
  16. Howard

    Crash Pics Removed.

    Hi everyone, Justa quick note to apologise to anyone who was offended or disturbed by the crash pics i posted the other day, that have been removed by the Moderators. They were never intended to upset anyone, just to show what can happen, there was no documented evidence of anyone having...
  17. uumode

    MB car crash tests

    Here is a collation of MB car crash links makes for some interesting reading http://www.whnet.com/4x4/crashes.html ..and watching.. some vids
  18. scotth_uk

    How to crash a Ferrari F50..... (Video)

    And take out a marshall at the same time...... MODS EDIT: NOT WORK FRIENDLY!!!! Caution Required http://www.muchosucko.com/video-ferraricrash.html
  19. Brian WH

    W211 Crash Test

    Interesting comparison of the new E Class against the W210 and the S Class, and also the Lexus. I'm even happier now. :bannana: :bannana: W211 Crash Test Also links to the C Class tests.
  20. R

    First SLR crash

    Just read this: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?click_id=13&art_id=vn20031119015143625C721559&set_id=1 R4m Mercedes supercar damaged in smash on eve of launch November 19, 2003 By Nadine Christians Of all the cars in Cape Town to be involved in a collision with, the driver of a...
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