Yes, I've decided to get my windows tinted. Obviously having a black CLS it'll look somewhat pimpish. But I'm fed up sitting in a greenhouse, and listening to the kids whinging it's too bright. I know aftermarket tint leaves a border, but the side windows will look good, as they have no window...
Well as I am sure you all know as from today plod can detect at the roadside drivers with illegal drugs in their system,well cannabis and cocaine to be precise along with some abused prescription drugs.
Will this work? if it does I would expect a massive amount of of convictions,
and a...
I'm tiding up before xmas; and have gotten the courage to go through the box of Worf's stuff (my old dog that passed away).
I've found a large stash of fentanyl and tramadol - all expired or about to expire.
Any ideas on what the best way to dispose of this is? I would bring it to the...
Hey, I was driving today, intown speed went fint 50-60km/h, but when i got out on the high way a serius issue came along :(. Car refused to gear up/when i got to where it should go in to 3rd just around 60/70, the rpm went up and no gear change. When it did change from 1,2 and sometime 3rd it...
Texas DOT Vehicle stopped by an alert DPS Trooper on highway I-10 between San Antonio and Seguin , TX
The Mexicans cloned a Texas DOT Truck and got busted smuggling drugs...
I wonder how long they got away with it before they got busted?
BBC News 24: French Footballer in Drugs scandal!
It's alleged that one of the French football players has failed a drugs and
alcohol test yesterday (Sunday) after the match. If this is confirmed as
positive, under World Football Federation rules, paragraph 6 sub section