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  1. Sp!ke

    ****Signature Size Reminder***

    Please can all members ensure that their signature size is in line with the forum rules. (see below) 7. Signatures / Avatars / Titles - If you use inappropriate avatars, they will be removed and you will have your avatar privileges taken away. These rules also apply to custom titles... do not...
  2. jonnyboy

    email signature

    Hi all I use windows live mail. I have a text signature but wish to incorporate a picture of my company log in the signature. I have both a jpeg and a png version of the log but when I press browse in the options for signatures it doesnt recognise either, it is only looking for text or...
  3. jonnyboy

    email signature

    Following on from recent threads, I need to get myself a proper email signature with my company logo etc (i use server-based email via my website hosters). I have created a word document custom sized which will do quite nicely but when I try to use it as a "file" in windows live mail I can't...
  4. KillerHERTZ

    Howards Signature

    Reminded me of this: :D :D :D
  5. Thmsshaun

    Bowers & Wilkins Signature 7 Speakers

    Not sure if they will be of interest to anyone on here but I have a friend selling these and is open to offers. PM me if your interested. :cool: 4 x Bowers & Wilkins Signature 7SE in-wall / ceiling speakers. Power Output: 150W @ 8 ohms Weight: 3.2 kg each. Combined weight of 12.8kg...
  6. C

    Look at my lovely new signature

    Did this today at lunchtime and quite like it for a first attempt! The software on the website is really easy to use. What do you think?
  7. E

    Signature Warranties.. RIP - when ?

    To me, Signature Warranties have been one of the great things about owning a Mercedes.. a good manufacturer backed warranty that can be extended for 10yrs. However, my CL has just turned 3yrs and after much haggling and fighting with Merc HQ just to even talk to me about an extended warranty...
  8. N

    02 E500 Avantgarde, 38k, FSH & Signature Warranty

    02 E500 Avantgarde in Silver with Black Leather. 5litre V8 with over 300bhp and 5 speed automatic gearbox with manual tiptronic and cyclinder cutoff allowing roughly 28mpg on an 80mph cruise. 38,000 miles, full service history, still covered by Mercedes Benz Signature Warranty which is...
  9. Howard

    My signature has disappeared...

    Anyone shed any light on this, my piccy has gone !!! The script is still there in my signature but the picture has gone , looking at my Sig settings in USER CP the img tag is still there so where's the piccy ..... :(
  10. Howard

    Signature Help Please

    I see everyone has some piccys under their posts but me !! How do i do this please ? I have the PC know how of a piece of seaweed, so if its complicated would one of you 'boffins' be able to do it for me ? I haven't got a piccy yet, but will take some this weekend ! :rolleyes: Many...
  11. P

    Signature used car - RAC or Mobilo ?

    I'm confused... Bought a Signature used Merc from a dealer a few months ago. Did'nt get much in the way of documentation at the time. All I've had since is a document confirming that I'm covered by warranty. However, no handbook or anything to go with it? Also, I'm sure at the time of...
  12. Fudger

    New signature

    Guys, tell me what you think of my new signature please. I have photodraw and thought i'd try and emulate your sigs. If it's crap, please say so especially if it takes a while to view. Thanks.
  13. Simon

    I want to add a pic to my signature

    I have found my way to the edit your profile section, which I believe is where I need to be. But then what?
  14. V12


    Will everyone please turn up their speakers, then follow the instruction in my signature... <img src="http://www.mbclub.co.uk/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
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