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  1. BTB 500

    Changing language on Win XP computer

    Have been given a Sony Vaio PC by my father in law, for the kids. It's running Win XP Pro version 2002. Problem is that it's all in German. I've been through the regional settings tab, added UK English as a language, and made it the default. Changed location etc. to UK. Restarted the...
  2. Swiss Toni

    Stupid (Mercedes) Game - Win a Prize

    http://www.theindependentonline.co.uk/mercedes/mercgame.html Stupid game :mad:
  3. BenzComander

    Blu Ray or HD DVD, which will win??

    Interesting discussion:rolleyes: in the office this afternoon, as to the merits of each system type. Seems the concensus of opinion was that HD DVD will probably be the media of choice, anybody want to air their opinion??:D
  4. reflexboy

    Tails I win!

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2-POUND-COIN-DOUBLE-TAILS-HEADS-MAGIC-SAME-SIDED_W0QQitemZ230050401570QQihZ013QQcategoryZ58533QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Heads you win, tails I win....bet I'm gonna win:D
  5. blassberg

    Big Fight Live MotoGP Special: Win Tickets to Hayden vs Pedrosa

    to enter simply finish this sentence before Nicky gets to you. I'm sorry, teammate, for knocking you off your motorcycle whilst leading the World Championship with only one round to go. It was because.......
  6. Satch

    Camera Partnerships win the right to camouflage speed cameras

    MOTORISTS face the return of hidden speed cameras after rules governing their siting and visibility cease to be enforced from April 2007. Camera partnerships, which include police and local authorities, will be able to repaint yellow cameras to make them blend into the background They will...
  7. SimonsMerc

    I win!

    Well, I've been keeping very quiet about the rust on my car. It's a 210 so of course it's rusty as hell. I've been fighting with Mercedes for the last four months for them to actually recognse my claim. These guys are ****holes (and yes I do mean Mercedes, and yes John I am consciously...
  8. P

    setting up routing on win XP

    Hi, I have a Solaris box that I wish to allow out to the internet. The missus has served an evicton notice on it (get that Grey thing out my kitchen :D ) I have a PC with a spare nic and a wireless card in my office. I would like to link the Sun to the PC with a cross cable then...
  9. janner

    Win an SLK350

    £300 a ticket Nothing to do with me but I thought it might be of interest to the gamblers amongst you!
  10. SEM

    Auto Express Survey & Win £25000

    Auto Express Survey & Win £25,000 Nows your chance to put MB in top 10.... lie if you really have to.. Britain's biggest car reliability and satisfaction survey is better than ever - and we need you to take part! We'd be delighted if you could spend five minutes completing Auto Express...
  11. L

    You cannot win!

    Having foolishly bought a black car with Supaguard, I had problems with swirl marks even though it was washed with a sheepskin mitt. I then spent ages getting rid of these marks, followed by polishing and waxing the car. The next problem was water marks (after using Zymol shampoo). These were...
  12. pepper&boulou

    heater dial rings ebay win

    Won the chrome heater dial rings on German ebay for 4 euros = £2.67 :bannana:
  13. mw_C32

    Win a C32 for a week!!

    This is good fun on the Top Gear site.... Click to Win
  14. simonl

    Win XP question

    Hi all, One for the Windows IT folk/experts..... I just got a new computer and am going through the happy task of reinstalling s/w and xferring data. I have a 120Gb HDD. It's partitioned as follows: c: => 40 Gb d: => 80 Gb (came like that) The "Documents and Settings" directory...
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