May be useful to give some idea to people about what MPGs what cars achieve, and what style of driving brought it about
I'll start:
1997 W140 S320L - 13mpg currently, mainly urban but a couple of trips on a motorway a week
Hi Guys
There has been quite a bit of bad press in the detailing section, so I hope no one sees me putting this detail up as bad taste. As I have stated before I only put my details up for the passion I have for my job as well as be as informal as possible about what I have done. This way...
another advert....
didn't he d'well!
expensive polishing
get a life
get the gulling marks off
here we go again
still no prices...
who cares?
who's the best
wot no merc
Anyone heard of them, or better still used them? They're within spitting distance of me, and their prices seem very reasonable. I don't expect 40bhp more out of my W210 E320, but if the MPG is improved by 10%, The remap will have paid for itself in... 2months!!!
C200 auto mods declared, grill, wheels, chip, filters.....
Want comprehensive, protected no claims, legal cover.
Renewal figure from Elephant £495
NU, churchill and about a dozen others wont quote because of the mods!
Admiral £543
Privilege £457
went back to Elephant for a...