I believe that AMG were still in those days a separate company from MB hence the car didnt have to be brand new to be AMG, also options were different then where you could just have body styling or engine tuning by AMG and everything else standard down to the full works. Its all so different now as they are part of MB which means that you get a standard package ie, engine, suspension, styling, etc.
I believe that AMG were still in those days a separate company from MB hence the car didnt have to be brand new to be AMG, also options were different then where you could just have body styling or engine tuning by AMG and everything else standard down to the full works. Its all so different now as they are part of MB which means that you get a standard package ie, engine, suspension, styling, etc.
The e36 was produced after the merge, anything prior to that will genrally not show amg spec on a datacard. My car is a 94 L and the amg options are listed.
I thought that although the C36 was an 'official' car sold through MB dealerships, it was still made as a modification on an existing model - ie based on a C280, rather than built from scratch like the C43 was.
I'm probably wrong but that's the way I'd understood it