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300e auto box settings....


Active Member
Nov 10, 2005
West Sussex
CLK230Kompressor (factory AMG sport pack) & Jaguar XJ8 (X308)
Hi, recently bought a 300e (hopefully picking it up today) its a 1990 and has the automatic gearbox, it has the Sport and Economy switch, my question is..... driving the car round town, would i noticably see better fuel consumption from keeping the box in Economy?
Not much in driving the car lightly, in either mode you can kick down at the start to get a 1st gear start, in the sports mode if you kick down from the start it will take off like a rocket, fantastic cars for that
It does not have a "Sport" mode. S stands for standard while E stands for economy. But other than that same as (Malcolm) Television

That's a gorgeous looking 300E. I hope it's a s good as the picture suggests. Nice colour Almondine.
To resurrect this one.... I have a few questions
Can someone clarify the S/E switch?

1.When I can see the 'S' logo I assume its in 'S' mode? yeah?
2.And in 'E' mode is it just driving in lower gear?
3.is either setting better for driving in snowy/wintery conditions?
As I understand it 'E' just means you move off in second rather than first, no other difference...wait up, found this from the handbook

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Brilliant, I stupidly didn't think to check the manual, I must have read it before because the info sounds very familiar. cheers for that one.
In economy mode it changes gear at 3000rpm and won't let you rev beyond that, unless you hit the kickdown button. It won't change down either unless you hit the kickdown button.
So, if you see the S - that means you are in "Sport/Standard" mode?

^Ops didn't see the attached image

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