Today I finally received the CORRECT ABS ECU for the car and the damn ABS warning light on the dash WENT OUT!!!
The ABS ECU that was in the car when I got it was a 013 545 85 32 and even though I called TWICE to the local MB dealer parts department with the car's VIN, they kept telling me this 8632 ECU was indeed listed for this car. The THIRD time I called back (spread out over two - three weeks) I finally said "look, the wiring harness plug in the car does NOT fit the 8632 ECU and I have been told by several people that I have the wrong ECU. Can you PLEASE check again?" And finally the parts guy said there were TWO ECUs listed for the car, the 8632 unit and a 5132 ECU. I did some research on ebay for photos of 5132 ECU plug sockets and it looked like they might just fit my ECU harness plug so I ordered one. Plugged it in today, started the car and the light went OUT!
So I just thought I would post an update here in case others ran into similar problems.
BTW, I spoke to the owner of the mechanic shop where this car sat for so many years and he swears he has no idea how the wrong ABS ECU ended up in the car.