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ABS pump/module 2007 c180


New Member
Oct 5, 2020
LL11 2TD, Wrexham, Wales, United Kingdom
Mercedes c180 Kompressor
Good day, guys. I'm new to this forum, but on the off chance that someone out there maybe be able to shed a little light on a problem I'm having with my wife's 2007 c180, I thought it may be worth asking. 6 months ago I changed the front pads...no issues, no problems. 2 weeks ago the ABS light came on briefly when we were pulling onto the drive. Engine off, re-started..no light. Few days later it came on again...low speed, twisty Welsh road, then went off after a minute or so. Car booked in to a local garage but they couldn't look at it for a week. We continued to use the car as the brakes appeared to be working perfectly and that damn light stayed off. Anyway..long story short, the local guy ran a diagnostic check and his "conclusion" was.."I've no idea. The computer is saying the wheel sensors are ok, its probably the ABS pump/module. I'll get a second opinion next week"
Begged the question "How much, Dave...ballpark figure?"
Without a hint of a smile old Dave rubs his chin and says.."£600"
Today I took the car into town, no problem whatsoever until I arrived back home. Hard left hand lock, walking pace to stop then reverse onto the drive. Just before the car came to a stop prior to reversing, there was a brief but rapid knocking noise from the front. I say "noise" but I could feel it in the brake pedal rather than hear it.
My question is, 2nd hand these ABS pumps/modules are anything from £30-£100. Is it possible for an enthusiastic, tight-fisted chap like myself to replace the thing with a reasonable tool kit. I appreciate there will be brake fluid everywhere, and bleeding to be done afterwards...but is it possible with a bit of effort and good luck, or are we into the realms of re-coding, blah blah blah to the point where it's not worth even thinking about?
If ABS is being activated when it shouldn't be, as in when you reversed on to the drive, is it not more likely that the fault lies with the sensors/electronics module that actuates the ABS pump rather than the pump itself. Or can a faulty pump self actuate.
On the premise that the ABS issue following the disc and pads change isn't a coincidence, I can think of two things that may have caused it.

- Damage to one of the wheel sensors or wiring.

- Damage to the ABS pump while pushing the pistons back into the callipers.
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Either way, you should take the to an MB specialist with STAR diagnostic computer.

And, on another note, your M271 engine is prone to premature timing gear failure. Have the specialist check that as well.

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