<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="member: 16635" data-quote="AW8" data-source="post: 3063669"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=3063669"
data-content-selector="#post-3063669">AW8 said:</a>
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Tuercas viejas.<br />
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I have been around the block bit more more than some of my age...BUT found your above post grounding, impactive & compelling to read.<br />
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Where you a cat in a previous life ?<br />
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Thanks for sharing here<br />
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FWIW I am self critical when using roads....Perhaps recently more so as mindful I have driven a few less miles in U.K. Lockdown.
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</blockquote>Thanks AWB<br />
I posted it because its so easy to get into a serious life threatening accident which is not your fault !<br />
As it occurs, it seems like in slow motion, but in fact the actual is just split seconds and then the aftermath.<br />
As for the Egypt accident, I was on my way back to Baghdad, and to the Port of Suez , the Saudi ferry boat & to Akaba .<br />
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My Iraqi hosts to whom I was seconded, the Baghdad Bus Company (Rakb Baghdad,) held a home coming party for me, and the lady director a Mrs Zahire said , Mr Hadi (my middle name is Harry) you must kill a lamb or goat and spread its blood on your new Landrover. Then give thanks to Allah for your deliverance, like the Angle of Death in your religion as well !<br />
Yes Mrs Zahire .(thinking I have seen enough blood and guts for lifetime)<br />
When I survived the last accident she said Allah has a plan for you and be most thankful Mr Hadi .<br />
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As a side bar.<br />
Much later I was talking to a senior bus company official who suddenly looked very worried after a phone call<br />
. I asked him what was troubling him.<br />
I discovered his sister, a mother of several children was very sick with liver & kidney problems. Closer to death than alive .<br />
Mentioning it to the British Ambassador's' wife a pediatrician, she pulled some strings and got her flown to London at the cost of the UK Gov and she came back like new !.<br />
We forget sometimes what unselfish acts by individuals within Gov do for actions of good!<br />
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We forget I suppose, in our world of almost instant medical responses by trained professionals we take for granted , that by contrast in many parts of the globe there is nothing. You simply fend for yourself !<br />
Like the lonely road to Mosul, and trying to get my mate out of the mangled car by myself . It was a lonely experience for about an hour or so until these Dutchmen turned up to help.!<br />
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Maybe I was spared to father a child (my eldest) who has become a pediatric surgeon, born in Venezuela, she nowadays practices in Houston.<br />
Part of a flying doctor team , but often does overseas assignment in Africa..<br />
Destinations such as Somalia, Kenya and Lesotho land saving kids lives .<br />
Thanks for posting a reply .<br />