The highway code states you should not reverse out of your drive on to a main road but reverse on to it if possible.
(I dont see how one is possible and not the other).
So point 4 is bad practice and poor driver education
Please, a thousand times please..... Read point 4 again. I guess you are possibly showing poor observation skills
Regarding your specific point, the Highway Code states that if possible we should always reverse into a driveway and drive out. The reasons for that are hopefully obvious but I guess a picture might paint a thousand words.
Look at our 'stretched limo' marked with the black arrow. My wife ALWAYS reverses that long, largish vehicle into our driveway and yes.... murphy's law always dictates that someone will park a blooming vehicle opposite our drive BUT.. My amazing wife will ALWAYS reverse into that very tight location which looks quite big in this picture.. If she were to reverse out of the driveway, then it will be with a hope and a prayer that no 'deaf' pedestrians are crossing the driveway. Look at the car next door and suffice it to say the lady is American....

I guess we should be grateful that she drives on the correct side of the road but she always reverses out and we can all see how her view is limited compared to folks that 'drive' out and yes there has been the very occasional near miss. The other car in our driveway belongs to my daughter and note that she also reverses into that space and then is forward-facing when she leaves.
I can imagine folks living on very busy roads that may well have problems with reversing into their driveway, I am NOT in a position to pass comment and will not.
I’ve only had two accidents and both were 100% not my fault; first one the bloke just shot out of a side road and whacked into the side of my A6 with no warning whatsoever
I am not the judge of your driving skills and will simply ask that if you were riding a motorcycle and that incident happened, would you still be here, or would you be that person laying on the hospital bed saying,
Yes, it was certainly NOT your fault, but 100% not your fault? I would like to see the Google Earth picture before making any type of judgement.
Points 2 and 3 are well worth another read and obviously if there were huge brick walls or houses that came right to the edge of the junction, then I accept, you had no chance to avoid that impact.
I used to call this event as 'clearing a junction'.
By that I mean that in a built up area, as we are plodding along at 30mph or less, up ahead in the distance, on our nearside we see a road junction. As we get closer we simply glance into it just to see if any vehicles are approaching, (I will probably NEVER accept that any vehicle just simply appears). If we are in a built-up area then we are still plodding along at 30mph or less but now we see a vehicle in the side road, We are also still looking ahead but in our peripheral view we note the speed of that vehicle and has the driver seen us? Are the brake lights showing? is the vehicle slowing down? Now is the time to make a judgement and react. What I have listed will only take one or at the very, very most, two seconds to compute to this situation. It very, very quickly becomes second nature, there is no slowing down unless really necessary and no speeding up. It will quickly become just one of many, many skills that are out there waiting for us to 'soak up'
Away from built-up areas our driving or riding style will change. We now want to take advantage of positioning!' Positioning our vehicle\bike to get the earliest view possible of these nearside junctions. IIF and only if there is no oncoming traffic, we will move out to the crown of the highway to expose more of any approaching traffic that might be approaching from that side road. We do NOT cross to the offside of the road, we simply very safely move out to the crown of the highway just to increase our view\periphial vision into that junction. We then do what hopefully is now becoming second nature and our speeds will not alter. We might think I am crazy or as nutty as a fruit cake, but trust me, these actions are very quickly absorbed into the noodle and we do it without even realising it. Treat EVERY other road user as an idiot and we might live longer.
I'm not sure but I think back in my time ALL Metropolitan Police that became traffic officers did a spell on motorbikes, this might now have changed, but without a shadow of a doubt, riding a motorcycle will improve forward observation and anticipation. Failure to carry out these simple tasks might quickly end your bike riding days

The next time you see the Queen or the Prime Minister out on the road, watch those motorcycle escort riders. Watch their heads as they are ALWAYS clearing junctions, looking right, looking left and obviously and most important, looking ahead. to them it is simply second nature and their riding skills are at the very top of the driving game.
Any and all driving courses should very quickly become enjoyable and if we are prepared to learn we can act like a sponge and absorb what is being said. For my advanced car course we had three students in each car, even whilst not driving the instructor would bombard us with all types of questions regarding road signs, speed limits etc etc that we had just driven by and he who got it wrong was fined 10 pence and yup, those fines would keep us in refreshments whenever we stopped at a suitable location, plus it would pay for the end of course booze-up

Apologies for the rambling but I have absolutely nothing better to do.
I am dead proud of my good lady, she reverses our 'stretched limo' like the excellent driver she has become. Much respect.