OK, a few points to answer here:
Was it a fire risk? No - there was no fire.
Is the service unacceptable - again, no. I drove the car back, and had it sorted out. Yes, I accept that it should never have been overfilled in the first place, but it was sorted immediately. I douby phoning a dealership at 18:30pm would have gotten me anywhere.
Has any damage been done whilst driving the gearbox overfilled? Who knows? Only time will tell. If it goes ban in a few weeks, I'll know why.
What if the fluid had got on my brakes? Sorry boys, but there's a hell of a lot of "what if's" here. What ifs haven't happened. What if the copper had nicked me for dangerous driving? Speeding? Whatever? I'd be more cheesed off than I am now.
As far as I can see it now, a mistake was made. It has been rectified to my satisfaction. I will be compensated in the future. To the best of my knowledge, no lasting damage was done.
Jimmy, if you're in the service trade then perhaps I'll give you a try in the future mate because I'm pig sick of M-B dealer attitude and bulls***. But overfill my gearbox and I'll sue you