If you're still looking for a wax for the white cab, try Dodo Juice Diamond White.
I used it on a white XF I had and it really brought the shine out. It's a hard wax and tends to last for ages as well, I've had this pot for a good few years, use it probably two coats three times per year and it's still half full. (Or half empty dependant on your view point)
If you're local to me (North Manchester) then you're more than welcome to try it out, but if not the clean your car website is offering trial sized pots at just over twenty quid for four.
I used it on a white XF I had and it really brought the shine out. It's a hard wax and tends to last for ages as well, I've had this pot for a good few years, use it probably two coats three times per year and it's still half full. (Or half empty dependant on your view point)
If you're local to me (North Manchester) then you're more than welcome to try it out, but if not the clean your car website is offering trial sized pots at just over twenty quid for four.