Just to clear the issue a bit. The more modern the car,the more to go wrong as we all know.
A battery that has just been charged can have more than the nominal 12.5 volts,could be as high as 13.5, your can cream this off with say a headlamp bulb for 5 mins. the only way that a battery can charge is by putting in a higher voltage, the higher the voltage the higher the charge rate up to a max of the rated output of that charger.
Automatic chargers are not good as it will put out max voltage during the first few seconds. trickle chargers switched are the best,join up with min charge,leave it 10mins then increase to 2-4 amp (a fixed charge rate of 10% of A/H rate max can only be used on AGM batteries)
The batery charge is all lnked to Ohms law. A flat battery has a high internal ressistance and would need anything up to 20 volts, to get it to start charging.
Our cars have thing like SAM modules that are live all of the time, the Command is always active, SBC brakes are always active, add in the alarm imobiliser and it starts to add up. I still think of the poor guy who filled up with deisel, though he did not start the car,just opening the car door starts up the pumps as the car new it was going to be driven, and the damage is done, but that's something else. So just by opening the door everything comes to life,if you have a charger pumping out 15v the ECU's and SAM's do not like it, more so when you open a door for instance.
ECU's ,voltage doublers and power supplies are funny things, you can turn your TV on every day for years then,bang ! its blown, the same thing happens to PC power supplies, something has flashed over or arced, the same goes for cars. Many cars do not give a problem, late 129's never do, early always do, cars with two batteries are ok as they are linked, some of the C class and 210's can be pigs and certain procedure must be followed. Though you can use the headlights to load the cicuit when charging it is better to use heated seats and rear demisters as these are more sturdy devices.
This has given me the idea to market a device that will not hurt the car when you change or disconnect the battery.