<div class="bbWrapper"><b>Pics</b><br />
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I just want to put up some photos I got of the system.<br />
In the beginning I thought that it was a resistor sensitive to heat that was used for the system.<br />
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But they just use the transistor BC109 (BC108 and 107 and other don´t work!)<br />
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Like i Told, I just rebuilt the sensor, to it´s original state (if not better)<br />
The problem with the original ones that brabus provide is that the insulation between the BC109 metal housing and the metal Oil sump screw is to weak and give up with time, due to the heat of almost 100 Celcius (M104 brabus 3.6-24 engine)<br />
The wire at the opening of the screw also has a tendensi to brake open.<br />
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It is also very important that you uses the engine cover plates, othervice the air flow passed the bottom of the oilsump will affect the oil temp measurement as you drive faster it will read cooler and cooler.<br />
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Only the brabus sensor can be used, no other uses this BC109.<br />
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I can built them for around 65 Euro plus mail transfer, includes the oil sump screw with the sensor built in and tested to work and the jack plug at the other end.<br />
Like you get them at brabus.<br />
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My own rebiult, has lasted longer than the one fitted by brabus now.<br />
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But you should be able to built them your self with a BC109, a balanced and shielded 2 wired audio cable and a new Jack plug and some 2 component epoxy glue (can withstand the heat far over the useable)</div>