How much do you reckon that would cost to repair DM?
All N/S panels, set of wheels, a few tyres, all the front end bits (bonnet, bumper, lights, grilles, radiator/condensor/coolers, slam panel, set of keys, airbags, rear suspension + whatever else you find along the way - then a half-car panel prep and repaint. With new parts you'll be into five figures easliy. Hence it was written off?
Sure, it's repairable, but when it was advertised at twenty-odd grand it seemed a bit of a non-starter to me, and it'll always be a recorded written-off car.
It might well be a category-D, but that's got to be very close to being recorded as a cat-C, the cost to repair that will be substantial. Maybe written off a few months back, and assessed using book prices - which I suspect many C63s and larger engined cars struggle to make these days?