As we all know, the standard "safe wash" typically starts with a full rinse down prior to your chosen Prewash, after testing out what way works best in a previous thread I started by Flushing out the arches and tyre walls to knock off any debris and road grit, then applied BH autowheel (diluted 50/50 with DI water) directly to the wheels.
Next was to cover the the lower sections of the car with Citrus-pre-wash followed up with a heavy coating of PH Neutral Snowfoam to the entire car and wheels.
While dwelling I went round with a sash brush to all the plastic grilles, rubbers, trims, tyre walls and wheel barrels.
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Before rinsing anything off, I then used a wash Mitt combined with SF to clean the Glass.
Now before you guys start screaming, just take a min to think about what I'm doing. Glass is extremely tough to scratch and generally holds just as much dust, grime, grease etc as the lower parts of the car, by washing these areas with Mitt and SF, not only are you more likely to remove more soiling from those areas prior to rinsing, it also means you don't have to wash again with shampoo.
I then rinse the car down including the wheels,
Attached my QR fitting with hose attached to dry the glass by sheeting water off.
Now the glass is clean and dry, I coat the painted parts of the car and wheel faces with Shampoo via a cannon in the same way I did with SF.
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Next up is the contact wash on the wheels with my wheel mitt and soft detail brush, then multi mitt method to the painted panels 1 clean side of a mitt to each panel then grab another mitt and so on till the whole car is washed.
Now fully rinse the painted panels, wheels and all other areas that have any remaining shampoo.
Then to finish up rinse the whole car again by sheeting water off to dry it, so I've only had to use a drying towel for the wheels.
For those not familiar with the water sheeting method here is a short vid.
That's it for now ad I still have quite a bit more to to write up etc so bare with me.