What type of DA are you using? I say this because the average DA like the Megs or similar dont have anywhere near as much power as a Rupes etc.
So when you attach a compounding pad thats meant for a Rotary or something with more oomph!, it will not perform as you want it to.
Does it seem to just vibrate?
Try using Sonus pads they are more suited to DA machines and have that bit more give in them.
Remember! when using a " less powerfull " DA dont use a heavy cut compound, they just havnt got the power to break down this type of polish, when a polish is not worked properly it gives the paint all types of problems, such as holograms, hazing, even fine scratches can be inflicted.
What I am saying is know the limits of your DA, some of them are not meant for deep paint rectification / correction, especially on hard Merc paint.