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Connect New Device and usb data port not working


Active Member
May 5, 2023
E53 amg 4matic
Hi everyone - please can you help me??

Just bought a 3 year old E53 AMG and I can’t now get it to recognise my device to let me use CarPlay that it does come fitted with. Bizarrely it did work for a night but when I went back to the car the following day, it didn’t.

I have even today replaced the usb data port in the gearstick cubby with no difference - and used apple and non-apple cables. I get nothing at all from the port, no connection, no charge, no recognition. The COMAND Screen just keeps saying “connect new device” but I can’t even scroll to that input section.

Local Product Geniuses are sadly out their depth it seems having tried their best.

I have MercedesMe which seems to work well with full connectivity.

Anyone? Please?

Took car to local MB dealer in Edinburgh.
Now in serious dispute with them as regards the necessary replacement of wiring from the USB-A data port connecting to the main unit.
The wiring has obviously been faulty since manufacture and I’m advised MB know of this fault in 2019 E Class cars as a batch - the dealer has even repaired other E Class cars brought to them, FOC! They’re trying to say wiring isn’t covered by extended warranty which if it had not been a manufacture fault I could possibly see some sense. But this is within the internals of the car that cant be accessed by the owner/driver which has never been opened since it left the factory.
Other dealers across UK have done the 30mins repair FOC given MB recognise it’s a factory fault and yet my local dealer has had the car 5 days and not rectified.
I’m livid at them and hope they get real and see the need for common sense!
Welcome Jim,
Hope you get your issues with both car and dealer sorted. But more importantly(!), who's the stunning woofer in your profile pic?
Thank you SM.

I can’t believe the lack of appreciation and understanding of this at dealership being a fault from factory and not since. My analogy is: If you buy a computer then they internals are the responsibility of the manufacturer. If thereafter you choose to plug in a cable connection then it’s incumbent on you, the owner, to plug in the right ones. But if the wiring inside is connected incorrectly at manufacture level, nothing you do will make that work. So manufacturer needs to make good i contend, Yes??

Woofer is our big daft mutt. He’s a beauty of old school lab.

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