- Bucket and sponge (only the one
- Fairy liquid from the kitchen sink
- Hosepipe (or watering can) to rinse
- Chamois leather than smells funny (that you've had for years, but always returns to life after a soak in water!)
- Windowlene for the glass, kitchen paper nicked from indoors
- The old hoover that you replaced that now lives in the garage
- T-cut to polish and Turtle wax to finish (from Woolworths)
- Some old rags/cloths as necessary
I'm joking, but isn't this what everyone used in the past? :bannana:
For me - there can be a bit too much OCD with some of the detailing today. Not so much in the actual results, but in terms of people trying to outdo each other as to who's got the best kit/spent the most on £££ waxes etc etc. Quite a bit of hostility between rival detailers sometimes too which is a shame
Some of the newer products/methods are quite good though. IMHO, the best developments in more recent times have been clay bars, quick detailers and microfibre cloths.
I still maintain that with detailing it is 90% effort and 10% products. Even using the stuff in my tongue-in-cheek list above, you could make a neglected car look fanstastic with enough effort. Likewise, applying a £200 pot of wax to a badly prepared car won't do it any justice either.
Just IMHO of course