If I were designing a tool to do this job, this is what I would do;
One way to avoid damage from spikes is to connect a decently large sized capacitor with a variable series resistor; one terminal to the battery +ve, and the other to a good earth.
When you remove the -ve terminal from the battery, with the variable resistor set to a low value, the capacitor then temporarily supplies any circuits which are placing any demand on the battery, so, you get no spark from the terminal, and the capacitor gracefully discharges through the series resistor.
The reverse process is a bit more involved. Charge up the capacitor directly across the battery, then disconnect, setting the series resitor to a high value, and then connect capacitor +ve to battery +ve, -ve to a good earth, gradually turn down the series resistor (effectively turning up the voltage supplied to the car), and then re-connect the -ve battery terminal before the capacitor has discharged significantly.
I don't know if that's what's inside this box of tricks;
ebay.co.uk item:260429406919
but, I suspect it is, and it looks to have some indicators on the side indicating its state of charge.