Rant first. Bought car 2 months ago. Passeneger seat has a very small hole which we missed when we looked at it. Its 1mm diameter, has a shiney ring around it, the grain all pulls into it and theres a brown colour through the hole which I assume is the untreated leather below.
Went to Edinburgh 3 weeks ago. Asked them to do something to it. "oh that may be a warranty job" they said. They woudl need to email pics to MB and let them decide. Trouble was this was a Saturday and we were leaving to return to Caithness. Take it to your local dealer and they will take pics and email MB and they will decide.
Phoned Inverness and asked them if I could email pics to them myself as its a 200 mile round trip. "no we have to use our special camera".???
So today, I endured 30 caravans blocking the A9, cyclists and a 3 hour nightmare drive to Inverness. The bloke comes out with a digitial camera that looked like something they had bought from Ebay 10 years ago. Takes 1 pic and declares "Fag burn - no warranty" "go back to where you bought it"
Now, Edinburgh is a 500 mile round trip, London, a 1500 mile round trip and I completely disagree with the verdict of a fag burn. I think its where the cow got caught on barbed wire and MB missed it, or ignored it, as it was one of their cars. I genuinely believe that, Its definately not a fag burn. I dont smoke and I dont think the last driver did.
What I want to do is to go straight to MB themselves with pics of my own and my own opinion and have them decide. Does anyone know someone there who is helpful or had any dealings with anyone there who may help me at the head office in Milton Keynes? If its a fag burn, then Im quite happy to stump up the £400 they want to replace it, or I may go through the insurance, but I sort of want to win this one so the useless people at John R Weir in Inverness have to do it.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Went to Edinburgh 3 weeks ago. Asked them to do something to it. "oh that may be a warranty job" they said. They woudl need to email pics to MB and let them decide. Trouble was this was a Saturday and we were leaving to return to Caithness. Take it to your local dealer and they will take pics and email MB and they will decide.
Phoned Inverness and asked them if I could email pics to them myself as its a 200 mile round trip. "no we have to use our special camera".???
So today, I endured 30 caravans blocking the A9, cyclists and a 3 hour nightmare drive to Inverness. The bloke comes out with a digitial camera that looked like something they had bought from Ebay 10 years ago. Takes 1 pic and declares "Fag burn - no warranty" "go back to where you bought it"
Now, Edinburgh is a 500 mile round trip, London, a 1500 mile round trip and I completely disagree with the verdict of a fag burn. I think its where the cow got caught on barbed wire and MB missed it, or ignored it, as it was one of their cars. I genuinely believe that, Its definately not a fag burn. I dont smoke and I dont think the last driver did.
What I want to do is to go straight to MB themselves with pics of my own and my own opinion and have them decide. Does anyone know someone there who is helpful or had any dealings with anyone there who may help me at the head office in Milton Keynes? If its a fag burn, then Im quite happy to stump up the £400 they want to replace it, or I may go through the insurance, but I sort of want to win this one so the useless people at John R Weir in Inverness have to do it.
Any help would be much appreciated.