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DTC clearance - Carsoft and secret menu


Active Member
Jul 31, 2015
w123 240TD
I have some nagging problems with ESP/ABS warning lights and have been messing around with Carsoft to analyse why and clearing trouble codes as I go.
I just looked at the Engineering mode secret menu and it has about 20 current DTCs and 20 historical ones.
Form what I have seen, the car will look at current DTCs and in some circumstances, historical ones too so that in some case you might still get a warning light if you have cleared a current code but the car will find the historical one and give an error.
So, clearly, ALL codes need to be cleared so you have a clean base to work from.
My quesiton is - does Carsoft clear ALL codes or not? It would seem not if there are some still in the 'secret menu'.
Sometimes Carsoft will tell you there is a historical DTC and you can clear it but if you look five seconds later there is another code hiding behind.
So, should I clear codes via the secret menu as well as Carsoft?
I will ask Carsoft why they don't clear everything and post the answer btw

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