mercedes lover
Active Member
<div class="bbWrapper">Hi, it's been a long time since I posted on here as haven't had a mercedes for a few years. Wanted some advice, I have a 03 plate Mondeo TDCI, looks like the injectors have gone as has a cutting out fault and being common rail the injectors are over £1000 to be renewed and have some other faults.<br />
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Anyway I am thinking about buying an old E cless diesel W210 as I've always liked them. What I wanted to know is, buying an old one and looking at spending around £1000, would I be better going for a E250D or E300D as they have no turbo and less to go wrong, I know they're a bit slow. I have seen a few E220CDI's but am a little worried as these common rail's seem very expensive to repair. <br />
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I know there are plenty of people on here that know much more about diesels than me and will know what's my best bet. I did speak to a mechanic a few years back and he said the old non turbo diesels on the mercedes have very little to go wrong.<br />
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Thanks in advance for any advice <img src="" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":)" title="Smile :)" data-smilie="1"data-shortname=":)" /></div>