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Emerson Lake and Palmer


MB Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2004
Does anyone know which track or album features THE drum break??
Its not Pictures at an exhibition or Trillogy, thats the extent of my ELP knowledge :D
do you mean the one in Karn Evil 9?

If so it's on Brain Salad Surgery

or maybe Tank on the Emerson Lake and Palmer album.

So many solos - they were three very self indulgent (but incredibly talented) musucians who turned out some stunning albums

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thanks andy I'll check them out next!
Right I just downloaded Karn Evil 9 and brilliant though it was it wasnt THe one!
tee hee - finding one Carl Palmer drum solo will be a nightmare

I'll have a skim through the CDs I have and see if I can come up with any more ideas :)

Karn Evil 9 is awesome isn't it?

more options then -

from the same album as Tank, listen to the first track; The Barbarian

also, if I remember correctly (I can't find the album :() Fanfare for the common man has a drum solo on the album

ok - I really must get some work done and stop listening to 70's prog rock :)

try Toccatta, the version I have is on Brain Salad Surgery - well I have the vinyl version not the CD so i can't play it at the moment but according to an ELP fan I know, the live album "Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends" has a much better solo in it.

She thinks you are probably referring to Tank though which I mentioned earlier

Right. I downloaded the full version of Fanfare for a common man and again its great but its not the one! I cant find the other two albums to download.
Ive just listened to pictures at an exhibition and it wasnt on that. Mind you they really were good musicians!
A huge thankyou to Andy K for tracking down the piece "TANK", THE drum break!!

It was as good as I remembered it!! :bannana: :bannana: :bannana:
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my pleasure - besides, it gave me an excuse to play some old CDs I'd not looked at for ages.



The kids hate you -

quote from our nine year old

"mum....why is Andy listening to weird music?"

quote from our seven year old

"mummy that music is horrible!!"
R2D2 said:
Kids of today eh! No taste!

actually listening back to it I sort of agree with them - 90% of it is self indulgent pretetious waffle, sure they were great musicians and there are flashes of brilliance but most of it sounds horribly dated.

If you like drum solos, try Do What You Like by Blind Faith, Ginger Baker doing his stuff for about 5 minites, awsome

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