How many engine did they put into the W204 C180 CGI AMG lifted the bonnet and my engine cover looks nothing like photos on changing camshaft sensor can you help
2019 Glc coupe 350d was 2017 e350 c207 .. +65 ford kuga 2.0 cdi zetec awd..
numbers 17 exhaust and 15 inlet in this picture are your camshaft sensors. cant message you because of your privacy settings. btw if the car is driving fine, itll probably be nothing more than dirty oil
numbers 17 exhaust and 15 inlet in this picture are your camshaft sensors. cant message you because of your privacy settings. btw if the car is driving fine, itll probably be nothing more than dirty oil
Hi got another Question for you my R/H (looking from back of car ) rear brake and parking light not working changed the bulb still not working could it B a fuse and if so where is it cheers gordon