Petrol Pete
Hardcore MB Enthusiast
They also have tunnels with pillars and no guard rails (one famous one in particular) as well as country roads lined with massive (un movable) trees and no barriers, in Paris people on those big step through motorcycles which are defiantly NOT scooters ride around with their hazard lights flashing , so no chance of knowing if they are going left or right WTF is that all about ??.France used to have 3 lane roads with no barriers. One lane for going, one for coming back and one to die in. They still have them but have marked passing zones - WTF.
I have worked in Italy many times driving in the North is OK but down in Naples/Pompeii the driving standards are appalling. One of the Italian engineers i was with (from northern Italy) said it was because we were getting closer to Africa the further south we went and the standards dropped accordingly !!.