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GLA 200 Reverse Camera calibration every time you start

If the calibration procedure outlined in the Xentry Tips above is still true it is almost unworkable in today’s traffic conditions.

Today Mercedes pointed out the document is dated 2017 and would have been generated for pre 2020 models. They said there may well have been changes and software updates since then.
My argument then was if so why wasn’t mine updated when supplied new just a few weeks ago. The juries out on that one until mine goes in for surgery in a couple weeks.

Today my wife and I did a time travel test.

Started the car on the drive, drove out on to our residential road, and in my normal relaxed mode within seconds we were doing around 22mph (calibration asks less that 18.6mph).

By the end of the road, and without any effort, we were up to 30mph and the car clock still hadn’t clocked up a minute. (Don’t do the sums, it was a simple reality test).

The camera then spent the rest of the journey chattering away as it tried to calibrate.

Later we parked in town on a main road. On leaving we joined a slow but constantly moving traffic stream for a while.

The camera presumably calibrated because it was as quiet as a mouse all the way home.

So driven as requested the procedure seems to work.

But the procedure is just not practical in today’s traffic.

In most situations when starting and pulling away you hit the pedal and slip into a slot between moving traffic, quickly adapting to their speed.

There just isn’t time to drift along at less than 18.6mph (30km/h) for a minute. A minute is a surprisingly long time we found today.

Granted the camera seems accurate but why calibrate so often, and on each start up?

I’ve lived and worked in a world of electronics & calibration. Never have I experienced equipment requiring such frequent calibration.
Agree totally. I can sometimes force a calibration in my A class before I reach the first main t junction out of my estate if it is quiet but it is essentially impossible to achieve this anywhere else due to traffic conditions. If it was a very occasional requirement you could potentially go to a quiet estate somewhere to do it but if you have to do this every time the car is started, as is the case with my car, this is completely impractical. Also, it is impossible to get the camera to calibrate if it is dark or, I believe from my experience, in heavy rain as the camera can’t focus properly. In designing the camera in this way MB have clearly not thought it through regarding the noisy operation and the nuisance effect this has on owners. They may in time wake up to this if there are enough complaints but I doubt anything is going to happen any time soon. If I were to purchase another MB car I would be looking out for this and it would definitely be a deal breaker.
I have spoken to a member of M/B customer service team this morning 0207 660 9993. The chap I spoke to said he had not heard of this problem but would raise it with the technical people immediately.

Below is part of the Email I received straight after our conversation. Fingers crossed but probably best not to hold our breath !!

Thank you for contacting Mercedes-Benz on 29.04.2024

I hope this email finds you well.

Following our recent communication, I am sending you this e-mail to inform you that we are actively engaged in addressing the mater and have initiated ongoing communication with our technical department to ascertain the most suitable resolution to your situation. Your contentment remains our paramount concern, and we are committed to achieving an outcome that aligns with your expectations.

I genuinely appreciate your patience and cooperation throughout this process.

Rest assured, we will continue to keep you apprised of any developments and remain receptive to any further input you may wish to share.
I have spoken to a member of M/B customer service team this morning 0207 660 9993. The chap I spoke to said he had not heard of this problem but would raise it with the technical people immediately.

Below is part of the Email I received straight after our conversation. Fingers crossed but probably best not to hold our breath !!

Thank you for contacting Mercedes-Benz on 29.04.2024

I hope this email finds you well.

Following our recent communication, I am sending you this e-mail to inform you that we are actively engaged in addressing the mater and have initiated ongoing communication with our technical department to ascertain the most suitable resolution to your situation. Your contentment remains our paramount concern, and we are committed to achieving an outcome that aligns with your expectations.

I genuinely appreciate your patience and cooperation throughout this process.

Rest assured, we will continue to keep you apprised of any developments and remain receptive to any further input you may wish to share.
Interesting but I’m not holding my breath.
Trouble is I’ve realised that if you initially drive as instructed - steering < 10 deg, speed < 30 km/h, it calibrates correctly and goes back to sleep.
It’s the procedure that is completely unrealistic and stupid, and why does it need to calibrate every time.
When I get in my car I want to get to where I’m going swiftly without the car behind me leaning on my bumper.

Perhaps I should obtain a ‘Caution baby on board’ rear sign and change it to read ‘CAUTION - CALIBRATING’
Trouble is I’ve realised that if you initially drive as instructed - steering < 10 deg, speed < 30 km/h, it calibrates correctly and goes back to sleep.
It’s the procedure that is completely unrealistic and stupid, and why does it need to calibrate every time.
When I get in my car I want to get to where I’m going swiftly without the car behind me leaning on my bumper.

Perhaps I should obtain a ‘Caution baby on board’ rear sign and change it to read ‘CAUTION - CALIBRATING’
I have received a number of different explanations as to why this constant camera calibration is required the latest of which, direct from MB, was that it was linked to the rear cross traffic warning system. I don’t actually have this system on my car as I didn’t buy the additional safety package but the dealer said the camera was still programmed as if it were there anyway. The camera calibration driving sequence was, I think, advised in order to complete a calibration that might be required on a very rare basis such that it was completed as a one of exercise and is not really intended to be a procedure that MB expect you to carry out every time the car is started - this is impractical and nonsensical and is not worth attempting. Like the idea for the bumper sticker though.
I don’t think I have rear cross traffic warning either, certainly didn’t order it.
There are far too many safety warnings on this car, I wonder if most are there to protect Mercedes.

My company manufactured electronic measuring equipment. I wonder how many customers I would have had if I had said ‘you must calibrate it first, every time you use it’.
I don’t think I have rear cross traffic warning either, certainly didn’t order it.
There are far too many safety warnings on this car, I wonder if most are there to protect Mercedes.

My company manufactured electronic measuring equipment. I wonder how many customers I would have had if I had said ‘you must calibrate it first, every time you use it’.
I have now had numerous Email exchanges with MB customer services and also through their people on Facebook who advertise new vehicles available for immediate delivery, but of course fail to mention that some of them come with a wonky reversing camera.
The bottom line is that they just come out with the same old twaddle that it is not a fault but a characteristic !!! which is total rubbish.
Fourwheels, I will be most interested to hear how you get on at your dealership, please let us know.
@Hollington Yes of course, it’s booked in for Tuesday next week.
Last Saturday we dropped into the Dealer we purchased from and complained to the (Area or District?) Manager who was involved when we purchased.
His amenable attitude was oh dear, we want you to be happy, haven’t heard of that before, you must be the only customer - until I showed him the Xentry report - but unfortunately he pointed out that it is dated 2017 and would have been for the previous model pre 2020 so there could be updates. Has anybody got an updated Xentry report?
Absolute rubbish of course but the first step for us has to be to let them have a go at it first.

The problem as I see it is that it is a designed in and essential calibration of the camera and therefore Mercedes are not, as yet, treating it as a fault.
Totally unnecessary and unrealistic calibration as I have already said on here and it’s impossible to meet those terms in the real world.

Earlier this morning I drove just a few miles into town. It was clunk, clunk all the way as it tried and failed to calibrate. But even if it had calibrated it would have started all over again for the return journey, as indeed it it did clunk, clunk, clunk.

Somebody on here mentioned they had been told calibration was required for the ‘cross traffic’ option.
I think I am correct in that you will have cross traffic if you have the ‘blind spot’ option (the red dot on side mirrors).
I have that and I wondered if you can stop calibration by turning off blind spot, if you can, but I haven’t tried yet.

I can’t imagine who dreamt this one up, bet they don’t drive one!

Anyway for the moment we feel as a first pass we have to give them an opportunity to address it. I’ll report back.
@Hollington Yes of course, it’s booked in for Tuesday next week.
Last Saturday we dropped into the Dealer we purchased from and complained to the (Area or District?) Manager who was involved when we purchased.
His amenable attitude was oh dear, we want you to be happy, haven’t heard of that before, you must be the only customer - until I showed him the Xentry report - but unfortunately he pointed out that it is dated 2017 and would have been for the previous model pre 2020 so there could be updates. Has anybody got an updated Xentry report?
Absolute rubbish of course but the first step for us has to be to let them have a go at it first.

The problem as I see it is that it is a designed in and essential calibration of the camera and therefore Mercedes are not, as yet, treating it as a fault.
Totally unnecessary and unrealistic calibration as I have already said on here and it’s impossible to meet those terms in the real world.

Earlier this morning I drove just a few miles into town. It was clunk, clunk all the way as it tried and failed to calibrate. But even if it had calibrated it would have started all over again for the return journey, as indeed it it did clunk, clunk, clunk.

Somebody on here mentioned they had been told calibration was required for the ‘cross traffic’ option.
I think I am correct in that you will have cross traffic if you have the ‘blind spot’ option (the red dot on side mirrors).
I have that and I wondered if you can stop calibration by turning off blind spot, if you can, but I haven’t tried yet.

I can’t imagine who dreamt this one up, bet they don’t drive one!

Anyway for the moment we feel as a first pass we have to give them an opportunity to address it. I’ll report back.
I was the one that mentioned the cross traffic system. When the dealer mentioned this to me I said that I didn’t have that option on my car but he said that the camera calibration requirement was still in- built regardless of whether or not you actually specified the optional safety package - they have an answer for everything! I would forget the Xentry procedure as it is clearly not relevant to a camera system that is programmed to calibrate every time the car is started as opposed to an occasional calibration requirement. As far as I aware there is no way to switch this off as it is now a design requirement. I don’t think MB will do anything about it until they get swamped by complaints md it hits the motoring press. I have tried contacting various press outlets but no interest shown and no reviewer has ever mentioned this camera issue which I find hard to understand as you can’t miss it - unless the press cars didn’t have this feature.
@DonaldS Thanks for the reply. You say forget the Xentry report. You are probably right but if you follow that procedure the thing calibrates correctly first time and then goes back to sleep.
The problem is that Mercedes have designed it in as a necessary function on start up, every time, and have then chosen ridiculous parameters.
Until they get to understand that it’s not practical in the real world I think we are stuck.
I’m puzzled though. Does this affect every GLA and A-Class worldwide?
If so that must be thousands of cars, how many have they sold?
I know now that there is a fair bit on other forums but as you say it hasn’t yet got to headline news.
@DonaldS Thanks for the reply. You say forget the Xentry report. You are probably right but if you follow that procedure the thing calibrates correctly first time and then goes back to sleep.
The problem is that Mercedes have designed it in as a necessary function on start up, every time, and have then chosen ridiculous parameters.
Until they get to understand that it’s not practical in the real world I think we are stuck.
I’m puzzled though. Does this affect every GLA and A-Class worldwide?
If so that must be thousands of cars, how many have they sold?
I know now that there is a fair bit on other forums but as you say it hasn’t yet got to headline news.
Yes, I can confirm that the Xentry procedure does work as I have tried it but it is impractical in real world conditions which is why I said just forget it. In addition it does not work in the dark and the camera will not calibrate at all in the dark or, I believe, in heavy rain. My dealer advised me that this also affects the new C class and other models so it looks like it may be being rolled out generally. No idea if the camera is still audible in a car with a closed boot.
I have just checked and found a post on another forum from someone reporting the camera issue on a GLE in Taiwan so it seems this is a world wide issue on a range of cars. This guy then issued this follow up which ties in with what I was told about the cross traffic left system link. I don’t have that system on my car so can’t switch it off.

“My 2024 GLE’s rear camera was popping out at every stop sign or stop light.
I was told to disengage the rear camera cross traffic - rear feature. MB’s explanation was that the rear camera works in conjunction with the cross traffic sensors to detect a forward collision at an intersection.
I don’t understand how this applies to being at a stop light or stop sign, but I do not hear the camera pop out at every intersection! ??
Nevertheless, it stopped popping out at every stop, but now will not signal if there is an object in my path when I am in reverse or drive
I would have to turn the feature back on again.”
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Just checked and the rear cross traffic left system has been available on the A class since 2018 so why has the camera calibration requirement changed in 2023?
Just checked and the rear cross traffic left system has been available on the A class since 2018 so why has the camera calibration requirement changed in 2023?
I've got the cross traffic system on mine, why should that affect anything as the camera should only be out when in reverse?
The cross traffic system uses the parking sensors, not the camera.
Mercedes are telling you all sorts of wrong info to keep you in the dark I fear.
I think the cross traffic option is linked to the side mirror blind spot option. If you have that you will have the cross traffic option (I think, but haven’t yet checked mine).
From what is being said, cross traffic seems to be yet another safety option but not well thought out.
Too many safety options on this car I think. Couple of warnings which flash up on the MBUX when I start but then disappear before I can focus on them. Image of red traffic lights but which obscures the map when I would rather pay attention to which road/lane I’m going to take. Lane assist which sometimes encourages me to stay in the lane I’m attempting to leave. The audible over the limit speed limit warning which yes you can turn off in both screen and settings but which comes back on when you restart. Mercedes knows best of course.
I’ve owned SLK’s, E, and C cars. Times change and we find the GLA exactly what we want now but maybe a little frustrating.
I've got the cross traffic system on mine, why should that affect anything as the camera should only be out when in reverse?
The cross traffic system uses the parking sensors, not the camera.
Mercedes are telling you all sorts of wrong info to keep you in the dark I fear.
Difficult to know what uses what. It’s not unreasonable to think the cross traffic uses the camera.
The question is why on earth does the camera have to be calibrated at every start?
Difficult to know what uses what. It’s not unreasonable to think the cross traffic uses the camera.
The question is why on earth does the camera have to be calibrated at every start?
Not sure how it can use the camera when the camera should be contained within it's housing and cannot see anything at all.
The obvious question for me would be why the famed Mercedes-Benz "Das Beste oder Nichts" can't make a reverse camera that pops in and out silently.....?
I've got the cross traffic system on mine, why should that affect anything as the camera should only be out when in reverse?
The cross traffic system uses the parking sensors, not the camera.
Mercedes are telling you all sorts of wrong info to keep you in the dark I fear.

Not sure how it can use the camera when the camera should be contained within its housing and cannot see anything at all.
The rear cross traffic alert is there to alert you if something is behind the car when you select reverse and of course when you select reverse the camera opens up. Regardless of what the camera may be used for the question is why does it have to be recalibrated every time you start the car - this implies it has become uncalibrated since the last time you started the car but why would that be. I have had a few different explanations from MB as to why the calibration is required I.e. rear cross traffic alert, but have never been able to get a technical explanation as to what is going on with the calibration i.e. the logic behind it all, especially as the previous versions of these cars didn't require this calibration. I have heard that this is linked to regulation changes but have not been given any details. I get the impression that MB don’t want to be drawn into too much technical detail and just expect that we will accept the waffle they re giving us. As someone else has said - if the calibration is required at least make it quiet!!!
The rear cross traffic alert is there to alert you if something is behind the car when you select reverse and of course when you select reverse the camera opens up. Regardless of what the camera may be used for the question is why does it have to be recalibrated every time you start the car - this implies it has become uncalibrated since the last time you started the car but why would that be. I have had a few different explanations from MB as to why the calibration is required I.e. rear cross traffic alert, but have never been able to get a technical explanation as to what is going on with the calibration i.e. the logic behind it all, especially as the previous versions of these cars didn't require this calibration. I have heard that this is linked to regulation changes but have not been given any details. I get the impression that MB don’t want to be drawn into too much technical detail and just expect that we will accept the waffle they re giving us. As someone else has said - if the calibration is required at least make it quiet!!!
Apologies, I was getting mixed up with "cross wind" where my car uses the ABS to keep it in a straight line under windy conditions. There's so many systems on these cars, and all the manufacturers give them different names!

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