Several LEDs failed, so I took it apart (with a Dremel - it's glued) to find that the current limiting resistors had overheated and caused the LEDs to fail. The SM resistors were replaced with 0.25W leaded, bent to fit the pads, tracks repaired, LEDs replaced. Overall, several hours of effort for a very modest financial saving. Not worth the effort. Next time I'm just going to buy a replacement. I think the design has since been changed to avoid the overheating problem.I'm interested in your 3rd brake light fix as I have the sporadic failure on mine but I'm guessing you had LEDs out rather than the thing not working 3 times a month that I have currently
Going back to the light switch issue, experience with adding LEDs on an old Audi dash, the problem was matching brightness rather than the colour. I'll be watching this thread as I'm tempted to upgrade my light switch.