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How many prev owners is too many?

The last owner on my wife's Disco was....me. Before that, it was...........my wife. Before that, it was..........me:D (We keep changing it due to changing other vehicles and which insurance goes on which car).

The Disco has had a total of 7 owners in 13 years, but four of those are us.........

The name on the V5 is the registered keeper, not necessarilly the legal owner. Any vehicle could have had many keepers but only one owner.:)
At risk of going off topic, IIRC the owner on the V5 doesn't have to match the name of the insurance policy holder - only that the main driver of the car is the person named as being the main driver of the car on the insurance documents.

You're right, but less insurance companies will quote/insure you if the names don't match so it makes it much harder to shop around for the best quote.
You're right, but less insurance companies will quote/insure you if the names don't match so it makes it much harder to shop around for the best quote.

Exactly, technically correct but thats why we had to change the ownership / registered keeper as they wouldn't cover my bro-in-law as the main driver as he wasn't listed as the registered keeper on the V5. IIRC I could only find one company that would quote for the main driver being different from the registered keeper and they weren't very competitive either
If its pre-registered, the first buyer is already the second owner. That's another owner without even trying.
Is it the blue one in westminster alps?

nope not blue, seeing it on sunday, so lets see how things go!
At risk of going off topic, IIRC the owner on the V5 doesn't have to match the name of the insurance policy holder - only that the main driver of the car is the person named as being the main driver of the car on the insurance documents.

not necessarily true, when i wanted to put the mrs on the c36 insurance as main driver, they insisted that we changed V5 within a month. this was Aviva, so i just kept it on as me.
I looked a w210 55 which had 8 owners in 9 years which the seller admitted was putting a lot of people off
I looked a w210 55 which had 8 owners in 9 years which the seller admitted was putting a lot of people off

depends on the car i guess, if its a standard 210E55 with few options then its going to put people off as there are loads out there with less owners, but if its a little bit rarer with lots of options , then it probably wont.

Ive seen loads of low miler 211 e55k`s with 1 prev owner, but not up to the spec i want, so seeing something with a spec list which is pretty impressive, even im willing to check it out.
Wasted and dissapointed trip in the end, car looked gorgeous, BUT no service records between 2004-2007, abviously first 3 years have no MOT, 16K miles between 2004-2007, and the wear on the front seats was really bad.. on the middle section (not bolster) which leads to the conclusion of a clocked motor! defo done more miles than 68K.

also gearbox was clunky in normal auto mode.... symptom of valeo rad problem, and pana roof rattled and creaked...

Other than that it was the best spec`d E55 (with E63 Kit) that id seen! esp at the price!

oh well!
ideally, logic prevails..

old cars with low owners and high mileage = good
old cars with low owners and low mileage = good
old cars with high owners and low mileage = not so good
old cars with high owners and high mileage = not so good, but shows car is useful

when selling my SLK for example, the key pro when i do sell it will be the one owner from new aspect, and average miles of 10,000/year.

but then, some cars with high t/o of owners can be ok as it has just come into the wrong hands at different points etc..
mine had 7 previous owners in first 4 years, i have had mine for 11 years on top, and to be honest, the only fault has been the wiper blade
Its all about luck to be honest. You can judge and think "that car has low mileage but loads of owners... why are they passing the parcel?"

But the old c200 i had, which gave me less issues than my current C230k, was on 102k miles when i bought it from auction and it had 11 owners! ran it upto 179k with only pads/tyres and a water pump replacement!
It is very common on AMG cars to have had many owners. Especially on SL, according to my MB dealer.

My 2003 E55 have had 5 when I bought it. The guy who bought it from me never even blinked when I showed him the docs.
Wasted and dissapointed trip in the end, car looked gorgeous, BUT no service records between 2004-2007, abviously first 3 years have no MOT, 16K miles between 2004-2007, and the wear on the front seats was really bad.. on the middle section (not bolster) which leads to the conclusion of a clocked motor! defo done more miles than 68K.

also gearbox was clunky in normal auto mode.... symptom of valeo rad problem, and pana roof rattled and creaked...

Other than that it was the best spec`d E55 (with E63 Kit) that id seen! esp at the price!

oh well!

Was this the silver one near Leeds? If so i called him and it sounded like it needed a bit of TLC.
Wasted and dissapointed trip in the end, car looked gorgeous, BUT no service records between 2004-2007, abviously first 3 years have no MOT, 16K miles between 2004-2007, and the wear on the front seats was really bad.. on the middle section (not bolster) which leads to the conclusion of a clocked motor! defo done more miles than 68K.

also gearbox was clunky in normal auto mode.... symptom of valeo rad problem, and pana roof rattled and creaked...

Other than that it was the best spec`d E55 (with E63 Kit) that id seen! esp at the price!

oh well!

Gutted, mileage seemed quite low for year as average of only 12k per year.....Definitely has all hallmarks of being clocked, probably was maintained during that time but had replacement service book issued with those records not added to disguise....
The thing about a high number of owners relates to older cars that may have had a problem and people buy it then sell it on and the next owner finds the fault and sells it on again. This typically applies to cars that have not been maintained properly or have bodywork problems or had a crash which can be hidden during the sale.

Nowadays I would not touch a car that had many owners especially if you could work out if it had changed hands a number of times recently. It will never help to have a high number of owners when you come to sell it on as many people will be suspicious.

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