On my SL there's a boot button on the drivers door.
Tried it for the first time and it pops the boot open partially.
What's the point as you still have to release it and open the boot.
Useless button?
SL63 AMG, prior to that A-M V8 Vantage, SL55, SL500 and many more
I went through the same thought process with my first SL - it was useful once when I was picking someone up who had a bag to drop in the boot before he got in.
I'm now on SL #3 which has the power open/close option (brilliant!) & the button can be used to both open (fully) & close the boot
Power boot was an option on SL's, it's one of the boxes we ticked when we bought ours, mainly as it lifts the roof from it's stowed position when you open the boot with the roof down.
It's one of those things that should just be standard on a car of this value along with the electric wind deflector which we also added.
I've just tried this button again, it does pop the boot but doesn't open it fully as the videos I've seen in the US. I do have a red button in the boot that lifts the roof partially to gain access. I assume it was a option or std in the US.