I think to be honest it was probably more than 40 hours work. Paint, glass, trim, wheels inside and out machine polished and coated, exhaust tips, suspension parts etc. Have a look on my thread that I posted and consider how long that would take?As in 40 hours machine and hand prep Will, or in his workshop for the week, doing bits when he can?
Difficult to make a living doing one vehicle a week for less than a grand I would have thought.
Considering buying snow, polish, pads, the ceramic itself with overheads, tax etc.

But this was a few years ago now (2020), and I think during the awkward times of changing Covid rules etc. I had done quite a lot of decontamination and prep too, but there is just so much ‘real estate’ to work through on a car of this size.
Ed is a perfectionist, as anyone who has used him will attest to - and I think he went to the extra mile on this which perhaps he hadn’t accounted for.
He has low overheads, a fantastic reputation and perhaps is successful as a result. He drives a Ferrari I believe now so he must be doing something right!

The point I was making is that £1k from an unknown entity arranged by a dealer is probably not good value for money, and the end results may be disappointing. I would select a detailer based on reviews from people you know and/or trust