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Left-foot braking

Trail braking is a technique for certain circumstances - foot lightly on the brake to keep the car balanced going into the bend.....
Indeed , it can be used to make the car bite in at the front , turn in more sharply , get the tail out and onto opposite lock then out of the bend .

I have done exactly the same in go-karts , but would never do it on the public road .

It more accurately unbalances the car on entry to a bend , shifting weight to the front and lifting the back end ; applying power progressively through a bend balances the car and improves stability .
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I can keep this up all day... it’s fun watching you dig an ever deeper hole for yourself
I’m not the one digging a hole ; are you a member of the flat earth society ?

I actually have extensive knowledge of what I am talking about , which many of the detractors clearly do not .
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no I’m from disc world...
You should visit - you’ll fit right in.
I have an extensive collection of vinyl , shellac , laser and compact discs , so I am already there .
@Pontoneer, we all know what left foot braking is, what its benefits are, and what it is mainly used for.
Like you say, advanced driving which you were taught.
Its not for road use(in the main)
Its not simpler to use two feet instead of one.

You try to justify it as normal after you've had training and extensive use as a first responder etc.
That isnt justifiable in the day to day driving context.

Yes, you are digging a hole, you're thinking that your employment and driving history allows you to think you are right and everyone else is wrong, that is not the case in THIS INSTANCE.

YOU may have the qualifications/training/experience to left foot brake on a daily drive, but to suggest to others that it is better is down right irresponsible and dangerous.

People need to be trained to do this safely.

You really need to take your blinkers off in this topic and others.

People wont respect your opinion if you don't respect theirs.
@Pontoneer, we all know what left foot braking is, what its benefits are, and what it is mainly used for.
Like you say, advanced driving which you were taught.
Its not for road use(in the main)
Its not simpler to use two feet instead of one.

You try to justify it as normal after you've had training and extensive use as a first responder etc.
That isnt justifiable in the day to day driving context.

Yes, you are digging a hole, you're thinking that your employment and driving history allows you to think you are right and everyone else is wrong, that is not the case in THIS INSTANCE.

YOU may have the qualifications/training/experience to left foot brake on a daily drive, but to suggest to others that it is better is down right irresponsible and dangerous.

People need to be trained to do this safely.

You really need to take your blinkers off in this topic and others.

People wont respect your opinion if you don't respect theirs.
Of course it is simpler ; you just can not grasp that whatever people are used to is simpler for them .

The biggest problem is the obstinacy of people who refuse to try something new and will not open their minds .

Which foot you use for braking has NOTHING to do with speed or racing . There are plenty of people who have come on this thread , including the OP , who use the technique .

People need to be trained to DRIVE safely - period .
Horse, water......both sides....
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No you didn't, you were taught to do it for your job.
You are trying to make out its easier, just because you have had specialist training and years of practice doesn't mean its easier.

It is in fact more complicated otherwise it would be the norm.

Its like rubbing your stomach and patting your head, when all you need to do is one of them.
Train and be taught by professionals and you'll become a master at it, but its really unnecessary for everyday driving.

You say its simpler?
How is that even possible?

One foot and two pedals, you only use one pedal at a time....simple, no real thought is needed, one foot one pedal.

Add the extra foot in and you have another element added to the equation, making it more difficult, two feet two pedals, twice as complicated.

Left foot braking is for the track. If you can't drive an automatic smooth with one foot on a normal drive then you really aren't a competent driver.

I dont think anyone has closed their minds, I assume most on here will have tried it, we all like to experiment, just the majority(non trained, non race drivers) realised it was more effort and totally pointless while going to tesco and back.
No you didn't, you were taught to do it for your job.
You are trying to make out its easier, just because you have had specialist training and years of practice doesn't mean its easier.

It is in fact more complicated otherwise it would be the norm.

Its like rubbing your stomach and patting your head, when all you need to do is one of them.
Train and be taught by professionals and you'll become a master at it, but its really unnecessary for everyday driving.

You say its simpler?
How is that even possible?

One foot and two pedals, you only use one pedal at a time....simple, no real thought is needed, one foot one pedal.

Add the extra foot in and you have another element added to the equation, making it more difficult, two feet two pedals, twice as complicated.

Left foot braking is for the track. If you can't drive an automatic smooth with one foot on a normal drive then you really aren't a competent driver.

I dont think anyone has closed their minds, I assume most on here will have tried it, we all like to experiment, just the majority(non trained, non race drivers) realised it was more effort and totally pointless while going to tesco and back.
What a load of complete and utter rubbish.

I learned to use both feet before I did any advanced training .

You just keep coming out with false assumptions , based on your lack of knowledge - please learn to base your judgements on facts , not falsehoods .

Two pedals two feet is much simpler than two pedals one foot : it is logical .

You just cannot see past your prejudices , have understood nothing of what has been written and refuse to even consider it .

Using both feet to drive is no harder than using both feet to walk or both hands to eat .

Your text is just full of assumptions; one can use BOTH pedals at the same time to advantage ; I have already explained how .

I never said I could not drive an automatic smoothly with one foot ( either foot actually ) but anyone can drive an automatic BETTER when they use both feet .

Yet again , it has NOTHING to do with speed , racing , rallying , whatever .

If you can’t use both feet to advantage , that is your failing , not mine .

Using one foot per pedal is , logically , simpler , whatever the journey .

You are just being purposefully argumentative, for its own sake .

I have throughout this thread put forward perfectly reasoned explanations ; you just regurgitate the same tripe over and over .

Surely you cannot be that obtuse ?

You are now on my ignore list since I don’t need to put up with any more of your arguments and stupidity .
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Using both feet to drive is no harder than using both feet to walk or both hands to eat .

not so simple...when walking each leg and foot exerts the same pressure.

when driving each foot is required to exert very different pressures. Unless you learn to operate the foot brake with your left foot when first learning to drive, it is extremely difficult to retrain and undo muscle memory.

Same with using a knife and fork - it is very difficult to reverse the use due to muscle memory.

you might as well say you can write with either/ both hands. Yes it can be learnt but it is very difficult to do and for the vast majority it is not worth it as it adds nothing other than as a party trick.
Oh, this brings back memories...
Well I never knew this was a thing and I drove police vehicles for 30 years. Perhaps I missed a trick, but I have never noticed.

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