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Long legged drivers


Active Member
Jun 12, 2020
Chatham, Medway
C200 estate 4 matic.,,, zrx1200s, 1400 gtr kawasaki
While my car was in for repair I had a hire car , after filling out paperwork took keys opened door and fell into front seat that was back as far as it would go and lower than low 😅 got that sorted and off I went.
My car came back from repairer today signed ,took keys opened door and again fell into the seat, back as far as it would go and lower than low. The guy that delivered it was just a bit taller than me, what do they do put it that position on purpose?😊
While my car was in for repair I had a hire car , after filling out paperwork took keys opened door and fell into front seat that was back as far as it would go and lower than low 😅 got that sorted and off I went.
My car came back from repairer today signed ,took keys opened door and again fell into the seat, back as far as it would go and lower than low. The guy that delivered it was just a bit taller than me, what do they do put it that position on purpose?😊
It’s probably to make it easier to get in.
I’ve experienced this many times after service. Although they generally protect the seat I’ve always assumed it was a case of dirty overalls, and more likely big industrial boots.
i always get my car back from dealers or garages way up front
Da yoof like to drive it mean and low and gangsta

At least my youngest seems to at the moment (hers not mine I would add)

You won't get the benefit of the airbag if you're too far away I remind her.
But what does a dinosaur know🙄
While my car was in for repair I had a hire car , after filling out paperwork took keys opened door and fell into front seat that was back as far as it would go and lower than low 😅 got that sorted and off I went.
My car came back from repairer today signed ,took keys opened door and again fell into the seat, back as far as it would go and lower than low. The guy that delivered it was just a bit taller than me, what do they do put it that position on purpose?😊
To look gangsta innit. I’m serious, it’s happened to me on a number of occasions. Usually some apprentice dreaming…
You won't get the benefit of the airbag if you're too far away I remind her.
Better than too close....then the airbag can kill you. I always wince when I see these little old ladies driving with arms nearly bent double sitting inches from the steering wheel! Unless you are a rally driver slightly bent arms is the ideal....if you cant do that because of short legs then set the back rest angled slightly further back......

But if they lay the seat back they can't then see over the wheel or out of the window.
Guys, what do you suppose to do when you get in the car. I think car seat is first one. ADJUST IT TO SUIT YOU .....if it was already suiting you.... you can't adjust it anymore.... you can't check mirrors....can't put seatbelt on...... can't drive.....makes sense...

This people know what they doing hahah
My garage also puts the seat as far back as it will go so that when I collect it I also seem to fall in! Just grateful that I have memory seats so it's back in my position in seconds.
And as Alfa says it scares me when I see drivers far too close to the wheel with bent double arms. I actually told a lady driver who was sitting too close what would happen if she was in an accident and to be fair she did take it in and adjusted her position.

But if they lay the seat back they can't then see over the wheel or out of the window.
So should get done for driving without due care.
Work colleague of mine drives with seat reclined and has to lean forward away from the seat back to turn the steering wheel??....

But if they lay the seat back they can't then see over the wheel or out of the window.
So then they need to raise the seat to compensate.
I find the opposite.

Being 6'4" I have the seat as far back as it will go and as low as possible otherwise I hit the roof and am too scrunched up. When I get the car back from places it has been raised and moved forward.

Usually end up cracking my knee on the steering column when I get back in.

At least adjustments back are easy!

When i get in a customers car i always adjust it to how i feel its safe to drive, i am protecting the owners car, other customers cars, my pocket, the garages reputation, after all the owner would be the first person to jump up and down and complain if it got bumped. 1 thing that always surprises me and it would account i think how bad a lot of drivers are is the driving position folks sit at having to lift there whole leg up from their thigh to come off the throttle and apply the brake, i sit so i can just move my ankle off the throttle and roll my heal onto the brake for me i find that keeps me in total control of the car, some folks sit so high the rear view mirror blocks the view out of the front window and you can tell they are about my height by how the rear view mirrors are adjusted. Its def an eye opener and should def be taught on the first day of driving lessons

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