Active Member
Who told you that? was it Tiscali?
2 things
1. do not terminate your broadband contract with tiscali until you get your MAC unless you are an existing customer they don't have to provide you with a MAC.
2. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS write to your provider do not communicate over the phone.
If they still refuse a written request for a mac code then your next option is this - REST SNIPPED
Thank you very much for this. We contacted OFCOM about a year ago, when Tiscali had just finished the LLU (local loop unbundling) installation and refused to give us a MAC code.
OFCOM told us that the LLU issue had not been resolved with ISPs. There was a general legal requirement to provide MAC codes but that might not apply to the new situation where an ISP had its own (LLU) equipment in the exchange.
We decided to do nothing at that time, and let the sitiuation with OFCOM and LLU resolve itself. That's how we got from then to now without leaving Tiscali. To be honest, the service has been faultless in that time, until this week.
So your advice is very useful, and we will write to Tiscali asking for a MAC code. However, a friend has done this recently, and he tells us that Tiscali just cut off his broadband without offering a MAC code. The danger is that we will be left with no broadband and no MAC code. Referring the dispute to OFCOM has done him no good. Tiscali appear to be able to ignore the rules and get away with it.