Hi All, I know it's been some time since I last posted on this thread, but thought I'd give you all an update and hopefully help others in the future as it was only this week my issue was finally drawn to a close!. The great news is that I received pretty much all of my repair bill back! (I received £1,360 of the £1,632) back from Mercedes Loughton. Whilst not the full amount, I didn't want to pursue any further as this has been dragging on for so long, but I still may push Mercedes to re-fund me more, but not sure yet.
To summarize, in July 21 (after issuing my case to the small claims court), I was given the opportunity to mediate with Mercedes, to which my surprise, Mercedes Legal agreed to. This was to be via a telephone call between myself, Mercedes and a "mediator", this was pencilled in for August 3rd 2021.
However 3 weeks ago, I received a surprising email from the Motor Ombudsman (who I contacted back in May 18th), who had finally looked at my case, and they felt I had a valid case & had contacted Mercedes Loughton to clarify the position. It was at this point Mercedes Loughton advised the Ombudsman that they would like to offer a goodwill gesture of £1,360!! As a result, I accepted the offer and cancelled the small claims mediation hearing!...I did have all my documentation lined up for the mediation and was particular eager to go down the consumer rights act 2015 and under section 23, where you are entitled to a free repair within 6 months of any goods (this includes used cars).
It still annoys me that they put 1st time customers through all of this, when this could have all been sorted out in the 1st place through basic common sense!!..I will still be writing to Mercedes UK outlining this whole debacle, but I hope other motorists who experience such issues as I have, persist and persevere, as it can pay off in the end. Really like to thank everyone on this forum for the great advice and guidance given throughout.