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Oh nooooo! Black Death - why oh why!

Cheers bob :) Any idea at what torque these things snap? :)

The bolts cant be re-used, new ones are the only way. They should be torqued to 7nm, then 90 degrees, then supossedly another 90 degrees but I find it best to do this last bit by feel.

The threads that hold the stretch bolt into the head must be 100% clean otherwise you might have a major headache, there is a special extra long thread tap on ebay to help you with this. :Mercedes CDI, Injector Clamp Bolt. Thread cleaning tool | eBay
Hi guys,

Well i finally fired her up to identify which injectors are leaking, i thought it would be 1 and possibly 2, but it seems that its 2 and 3. See Video here :


Funny thing, at first from cold, only injector 2 showed the bubbles, then once at operating temp of about 75-80deg injector 3 started.

Does this look like a correct diagnosis to you guys?

Hi guys,

Well i finally fired her up to identify which injectors are leaking, i thought it would be 1 and possibly 2, but it seems that its 2 and 3. See Video here :


Funny thing, at first from cold, only injector 2 showed the bubbles, then once at operating temp of about 75-80deg injector 3 started.

Does this look like a correct diagnosis to you guys?


From what I could see in your video I'd say your correct, no 2 injector is the worst leak, no 3 only leaking slightly.
From what I could see in your video I'd say your correct, no 2 injector is the worst leak, no 3 only leaking slightly.

Yer :( i was hoping it would be only one, baaahhh :(

I Guess i need to remove the pipes show in the image below, however - is there anything i need to do to ensure no leaks/air getting into the system prior to removing?


Also .... i take it once i have heated the engine up and removed bolts, i need to remove the injectors at the same time ( as i wont be able to start the engine up again to heat it up ) ?

Or can i ( attempt to ) remove the actual injectors at a later time?

Reason i ask is that underneath the clamps will be lots of carbon that i need to clean out ( Cant get under there till they removed ). Plus i dont have the injector puller tool yet ( as i may not need? )

Sorry for all the n00b questions just want to get it right :)
You can just remove the pipes without issue, best to plug the orifices though to stop any dirt ingress.

Injectors may come out easier with a hot engine, but it's not necessary to remove them straight away..
Clean everything from top of engine before start removing any injectors, heated tar is soooo much easier to remove and injector is coming out easier. Start with 'worse case', so when you have colder engine, you have perhaps easier patients left...

Like above, try prevent any dirt going the hp-fuel lines. Loosen another end too (you probably figured that out already :) ). Careful with those t-lines, breaks easily.

I have a feeling that puller tool would make your job easier... :-/
As mentioned earlier, use a mix or carb cleaner and diesel to soak the injectors you can put enough around the bases to cover them leave for a week if you can :)

Then remove after the engine has been warmed up to normal temp or more (disconnect the fan), this will help a lot.

I have been soaking bolts/injectors in plusgas / Carb Cleaner etc.

I got her up to about 90 deg today and thought i would just see how it feels on one of the bolts.

I applied slight pressure the head turned a little, ie less than 1mm i released pressure and it moved back to orignal position.

Is this an indication that its just the bold bending, (IE do not apply more pressure) do you think? :)

Left it soaking again for the rest of the day, will get some diesel tomorrow and let soak in carb/diesel mix for a few days.

Cheers all
These are stretch bolts, so have a decent amount of elasticity and yours is still in the elastic deformation state, which is good.
These are stretch bolts, so have a decent amount of elasticity and yours is still in the elastic deformation state, which is good.

Cheers Dieselman, that is reassuring :) , for safe measure i think i will soak in Plusgas for a couple more days though - i am in no rush :)

Cheers Dieselman, that is reassuring :) , for safe measure i think i will soak in Plusgas for a couple more days though - i am in no rush :)


Please use Carb cleaner and diesel mix

Plusgas WD40 etc etc will do nothing.

You need to get the mix around the injector bases so it can soak into the injector wells and loosen up the carbon, top up as necessary.

The injector retaining bolts should come out easy enough if you have the engine temp up nice and hot.

Unfortunately if the threads have been damaged by carbon build up no amount of soaking the bolts will help,
you have to bite the bullet on that one as to whether they come out ok or need Time Sert or Helicoil fitted.

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E270 Owner, i will do this for a couple of days :) Best to be safe than sorry :)

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No link there....

I bought some from ebay and some from MB looked and felt the same and was less than €10 from dealer i think
Difference is not big so I would buy 'originals'... remember also grease, original part number A001989425110 (similar type of grease applies I think).

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