Hardcore MB Enthusiast
I can understand where your coming from."if halfords do the repair then we will not take it any further" - and this is the part I find wrong because the officer is imo pushing the driver into using halfords and paying money at the roadside when it is not necessary.
Lets say the vehicle was stopped b y the police without Halfords being present.
It appears the police can either issue a VDRS, or deal with the matter by reporting the driver for the offence?
No Halfords, just paperwork.
On the occassion we are now discussing Halfords have seen an oppurtunity to get some publicity\marketing and are now present with a van full of spare bits. The officer states you can either have a VDRS or let Halfords carry out the repair.... Your choice? I would assume that if the driver said, "Thanks for pointing out the duff light, I've a spare one in the glovebox!"
Hopefully that would also see a happy ending? The police appear are stopping vehicles with defective lights (plus other offences) and offering a solution. I assume the driver can say they don't want to use Halfords, or they have no money and the VDRS will be issued?
Thanks very much for clarifying it as it sounded a bit iffy and gave me the impression the police were being heavy handed?
Hopefully they will stop a few burglars, disqualified drivers, no insurance etc