I hate to repeat myself, and your source may have had a different experience to my source, but as I have already said this was not the case when my staff member was stopped - he was told "have it repaired here by halfords and we will not take the matter any further" - leaving "taking it further" to the imagination.
Had the phrasing been "we can give you a VDRS, requiring you to have the repair completed and approoved within 14 days or you can have Halfords fit a bulb for you here and now" then that would have been absolutely fine.
Can you see the distinction between those two ways of approaching the situation ?
It is that difference, and only that, which I take issue with in this stop check situation.
I think the very relevant word is 'Imagination'.
I am NOT inferring your member of staff imagined the conversation.... I fully accept that took place. I don't accept though and neither does my imagination accept that there would have been ANYTHING untoward happen.
If your driver had said, "Poke Halfords where the sun doesn't shine!" Then I would imagine this person would have been dealt with accordingly
If your member of staff had said, "Thank you for pointing that out, it must have just happened and I have a spare lamp in the glovebox!" Then my imagination tells me that this would also have been the end of this saga.
Some folks have issues with our police and will always try to citicise, find fault or ridicule, others tend to accept that there will p[erhaps be a bad apple in any barrel, and one day we bite into a maggot
I wasn't present at this incident, and from what I gather, no one on this forum was, but we have all read the reports where motorists were quite happy about this road-side check and none of them felt they were bullied or cajuled into having to make an expensive, or uneccessary repair? Far be it for me to gossip, but in some countries the officer might well have smashed the light with their baton and then reported the driver?
Are you complaining that your member of staff was not reported by the police? I get the impression you are really debating the way the words have been used by the police officer and with the very greatest of respect to your driver; we are relying on an EXACT recital of the precise wording and in fairness to both sides...... Is that ossible? Is it really possible for anyone to repeat a converstaion word, for word?
When I read your first post I was completely on your side, but the more I read about this, then the more I am convinced the police are really doing us all a favour.
We are committing an offence and I fully accept we might not know about it, but that is not an excuse. We are committing an offence and the police are doing something a speed camera cannot do. The olice are using that thing we call discretion and are we really complaining about this, or should we have a black and white approach?
I accept what your saying about how the issue was managed but in the grand scheme of things, life is far too short to worry about the exact wording of a request that saw your driver not get reported for having a defective light??
Have a nice day and watch out for these very strong winds
Yours sincerely