Have driven both a new E-Class and C-Class over the past few weeks.
But both have the same problem: the rain sensor is not sensitive enough to wipe the screen; you have to manually apply the wipers when the screen is sprayed by a passing lorry, for example. If you do not do anything then you have to wait upto 10 seconds for the sensor to do its job. Conversely, the number of 'false' wipes when it is not even raining is annoying.
On the Mk IV VW Golf the rain sensor is applies immediately with spray, has variable sensistivity and never in my experience 'false' wiped.
Another example of Mercedes-Benz marketing success over common sense?
But both have the same problem: the rain sensor is not sensitive enough to wipe the screen; you have to manually apply the wipers when the screen is sprayed by a passing lorry, for example. If you do not do anything then you have to wait upto 10 seconds for the sensor to do its job. Conversely, the number of 'false' wipes when it is not even raining is annoying.
On the Mk IV VW Golf the rain sensor is applies immediately with spray, has variable sensistivity and never in my experience 'false' wiped.
Another example of Mercedes-Benz marketing success over common sense?