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Rant Mode


Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Sep 15, 2004
S211 Sprinter 213CDI, & the new T-class
My lip is bleeding and I can stand it no longer.

The couple that raped a TWELVE week old baby have had their sentences reviewed. The so called 'man' has had his minimum imprisonment increased from six years to eight, although it is allegedly a so called Life Sentence. The woman who actually filmed this act did not receive any further punishment!!!!!

The Court of Appeal has pathetically tried to pass the buck and say that it is unlikely that a review board would allow this couple out of prison at the first review, and it would be possible for them to serve the full term of 'Life'.

This to me is just typical of this modern age. No one, but no one in a position of influence accepts responsibility or takes the blame anymore. These judges have passed the buck onto the review panel, they in turn will probably release them at the first review and put the responsibility onto the probation service. The Probation Service will say it is impossible to monitor anyone 24hrs a day, and it is a matter for the Police. The Police will say they have not committed any crime so there is nothing they can do. These sick 'animals' will then carry out another sickening atrocity and there will be a public out cry which will last as long as it takes for the news paper to get used as a fish and chip wrapping.

The Judge that recommended the minimum length of time these creatures should get should be sacked. The Judges sitting on the Court of Appeal should be sacked, the innocent members of society deserve justice, and deserve to have Judge's that live in the real World.

John the ranter
You'd get longer than that for filming the latest blockbuster on a camcorder, if the threats are anything to go by.
glojo said:
My lip is bleeding and I can stand it no longer.

The couple that raped a TWELVE week old baby have had their sentences reviewed. The so called 'man' has had his minimum imprisonment increased from six years to eight, although it is allegedly a so called Life Sentence. The woman who actually filmed this act did not receive any further punishment!!!!!

The Court of Appeal has pathetically tried to pass the buck and say that it is unlikely that a review board would allow this couple out of prison at the first review, and it would be possible for them to serve the full term of 'Life'.

This to me is just typical of this modern age. No one, but no one in a position of influence accepts responsibility or takes the blame anymore. These judges have passed the buck onto the review panel, they in turn will probably release them at the first review and put the responsibility onto the probation service. The Probation Service will say it is impossible to monitor anyone 24hrs a day, and it is a matter for the Police. The Police will say they have not committed any crime so there is nothing they can do. These sick 'animals' will then carry out another sickening atrocity and there will be a public out cry which will last as long as it takes for the news paper to get used as a fish and chip wrapping.

The Judge that recommended the minimum length of time these creatures should get should be sacked. The Judges sitting on the Court of Appeal should be sacked, the innocent members of society deserve justice, and deserve to have Judge's that live in the real World.

John the ranter

I agree with you.

If its any consolation these two will almost certainly be 'attended to' whilst serving their time as there is one thing that other inmates hate more than their wardens etc, is a child sex offender.
Alfie said:
I agree with you.

If its any consolation these two will almost certainly be 'attended to' whilst serving their time as there is one thing that other inmates hate more than their wardens etc, is a child sex offender.

:) Another of my pet rants. Those that commit the crinme MUST be prepared to serve the time. I think it disgusting that they get aeperated from main stream prisoners, they are law breakers and should loose quite a few of these so called human rights that we law abiding citizens take for granted.

I accept that some sex offenders do suffer at the hands of other prisoners, but most prisons nowadays are having a completely seperate unit for these sick individuals. This is not just a seperate wing, but a complete seperate prison, within a prison, where the two types of prisoners NEVER meet. Plus of course they are new, state of the art establishments, with ALL the modern facilities that perhaps you and I might not have?

They are responsible for removing the "human rights" of the child, so surely thiers should be forfiet as part of thier punishment. As has been stated on here before, shut out the do gooders who ask "why did they commit this crime? we must help them" and let them serve the time to suit the crime. You cannot rehabilitate this sort of deranged person, so they need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Sod this nanny state, they knew what they were doing, and they were in a position of trust, which is worse.
glojo said:
The Judge that recommended the minimum length of time these creatures should get should be sacked. The Judges sitting on the Court of Appeal should be sacked, the innocent members of society deserve justice, and deserve to have Judge's that live in the real World.

Why are these judges ever named...? We need a list of these Yogurt knitting morons.. name and shame i say
Alfie said:
I agree with you.

If its any consolation these two will almost certainly be 'attended to' whilst serving their time as there is one thing that other inmates hate more than their wardens etc, is a child sex offender.

Let's hope so.
These depraved individuals should be shot.

SimonsMerc said:
These depraved individuals should be shot.


Rope is cheaper and more environment friendly. No lead pollution and can be reused.
Medical experimentation, at least they will have been some use to mankind, as these people need removing from the gene pool.
Major Rant

Six years for the rape and murder of a twelve week old baby

28 years for the murder of a homosexual

Both parties pleaded guilty at an early stage.

What's the difference?

What's the most repugnant?

I am NOT being homophobic, I have NO problem with the 28 years minimum period of imprisonment. The judge was allegedly following the guide lines!!!! What an evil sick joke

The judge was allegedly following the guide lines when sentencing the sick couple that murdered the baby.

Lord Falconer on Question Time stated hte judges were right to comply with the guide lines and we should not criticise them. It is NOT their fault and the Home Secretary should not have come out with his comments.

He was then asked if the Home Secretary was wrong to criticise hte judges for the soft sentences. Lord Falconer then stated the Home Secretary was right to draw our attention to this problem??????

28 years for one murder with an early guilty plea.... six years for the rape and murder of a twelve week old baby with an early guilty plea???

Lord Falconer should resign, the judges should be sacked and the couple that carried out this sick act should definitely receive a more severe sentence than what was seen today. 28 years minimum, plus 28 years minimum to be served on completion of the first sentence. I am so angry I am no doubt not making sense.

Oh well I'm off for some hydrotherapy and a swim

Pietre said:
Medical experimentation, at least they will have been some use to mankind, as these people need removing from the gene pool.

Sorry that's getting too close to some of the worst excesses of the Nazi party. I fully support any of the recognised systems of capital punishment though.
DieselE said:
Sorry that's getting too close to some of the worst excesses of the Nazi party. I fully support any of the recognised systems of capital punishment though.

Crazy as it sounds I'm against capital punishment and also agree with your first sentence. I do however feel that after the first term of imprisonment our prison regime should become more strict and also become a place of punishment instead of reform. Is it possible that our prisons are so full simply because they have such a lax regime and far too many luxuries??

glojo said:
Crazy as it sounds I'm against capital punishment and also agree with your first sentence. I do however feel that after the first term of imprisonment our prison regime should become more strict and also become a place of punishment instead of reform. Is it possible that our prisons are so full simply because they have such a lax regime and far too many luxuries??


I'm not quite of the flog 'em then hang 'em brigade but, if I'm honest not too far away. :)

Criminals at the moment know that the chances of them getting caught are fairly low. In the unlikely event they are caught then the first few times the punishment will be laughable.

I strongly feel that we need to get back to the situation where there was a good chance that a criminal would be caught. When he's caught, the sentence should be long and the regime hard so that at the end of it, there is no wish to repeat the experience.
DieselE said:
I strongly feel that we need to get back to the situation where there was a good chance that a criminal would be caught. When he's caught, the sentence should be long and the regime hard so that at the end of it, there is no wish to repeat the experience.

I 100% agree, during my time in the services, no one, but no one relished the thought of serving any term of imprisonment. It was not a nice experience and return visits were extremely rare.

I am amazed at just how quiet the media has been over this huge, huge injustice. Has our nation become so politically correct that to highlight it, they are afraid of being seen as homophobic??

No one section of soceity should be segregated against (travellers??) but at present the message appears that the murder\torture of young children is not comparable to the murder of a homosexual??? AS I KEEP REPEATING I am not disagreeing with the 28yr sentence, that is perfectly acceptable. I am merely agog at the lies this government keep publishing. Judges were correct to apply the guidelines?????????? LIES, LIES, LIES. Both parties pleaded guilty at an early stage, both parties had previous convictions.

:) I am still fuming over this and I just wish I could have a chat with Lord Falconer

Well, I just dont know where to start, so I wont. These people want locking up for the whole of their natural ( !) lives, the courts should be able to impose proper penalties, instead, the namby pamby bleeding hearts, who find excuses for everybodies bad behaviour, get their way and impose ridiculous guidelines for the legal system to follow.....
Sorry, I said I wasnt going to start...


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