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Rear suspension issue....


New Member
May 4, 2022
Mercedes blue efficiency 220E CDI Estate
Hi all.....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

I have a rear suspension issue with my Mercedes e220 that I hope you can advise me with......

A few days ago I noticed what looked like a small amount of oil/hydraulic fluid around the rear passenger side wheel. A short time after that the car dropped and refuses to rise up to the correct driving position......

Just wondering if this is likely to be a rear suspension air bag issue? I could do with knowing before I take her in for repair as if it is this issue I can get a new pair for just over ยฃ100 @ebay which I suspect will be a fair bit less than what the garage will be charging me......

Thanks from John.

A bit more detail on this car might help us a bit John . What year is it ? Better still post the VIN on here for more detail. If you are seeing oil on the floor it would suggest a leaking shock absorber , if ride height is wrong it would as you say suggest air bag problem .

Is the compressor running all of the time trying to lift the car (it might have popped a fuse or burned out trying) ? Any warnings on the dashboard ? Could be something as cheap and simple as the ride height controller arm breaking , which is quite common and an easy fix.

A bit more detail on this car might help us a bit John . What year is it ? Better still post the VIN on here for more detail. If you are seeing oil on the floor it would suggest a leaking shock absorber , if ride height is wrong it would as you say suggest air bag problem .

Is the compressor running all of the time trying to lift the car (it might have popped a fuse or burned out trying) ? Any warnings on the dashboard ? Could be something as cheap and simple as the ride height controller arm breaking , which is quite common and an easy fix.
Many thanks,๐Ÿ˜

The VIN is WDD 2122022A320389....

She's a 2010 e220 blue efficiency estate....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–

If I may I have another issue with her that's driving me crazy......

A bit ago I had a cracked coolant hose replaced. This has stopped the leak totally under the car BUT somehow she's still needing topping up at the expansion tank every other day.....

My trusted local garage has pressure tested the cooling system twice and she's fine. They tell me the water pump and head gasket are fine....

ALL I can think of is that possibly when the hose was replaced air got into the system and THIS is somehow causing the coolant to evaporate??


Many thanks,๐Ÿ˜

The VIN is WDD 2122022A320389....

She's a 2010 e220 blue efficiency estate....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’–

If I may I have another issue with her that's driving me crazy......

A bit ago I had a cracked coolant hose replaced. This has stopped the leak totally under the car BUT somehow she's still needing topping up at the expansion tank every other day.....

My trusted local garage has pressure tested the cooling system twice and she's fine. They tell me the water pump and head gasket are fine....

ALL I can think of is that possibly when the hose was replaced air got into the system and THIS is somehow causing the coolant to evaporate??


Ref the rear suspension issue AS there's a couple of possibilities as to the cause I will just put her in the hands of my garage.....

However, they've had two bashes @ the coolant issue and even they are stumped.....

All I can think of is get them to totally drain, flush and re fill the system and PREY that sorts it out??๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜
Ref the rear suspension issue AS there's a couple of possibilities as to the cause I will just put her in the hands of my garage.....

However, they've had two bashes @ the coolant issue and even they are stumped.....

All I can think of is get them to totally drain, flush and re fill the system and PREY that sorts it out??๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜
Ref the coolant system issue, the expansion tank is fine and I've changed the coolant system cap to no avail....
Thanks Pete,

The total capacity is x9 LTRs I have read.....

Strangely, she never looses more than a kettle full, so X2 LTRs, THEN the loss stops ......

Engine temperature never goes over the just past half way mark so hopefully no damage to the engine??

Was told she could be leaking coolant into the engine BUT I've looked under the oil filler cap at top of the engine and NO milky residue.....
WHY she stop loosing the coolant AFTER loosing just two LTRs I am a wondering....
Basically, just loosing enough for the low coolant level warning message to activate.....
Sorry, tap water YES ....

Water pump weep hole??

I will get my garage to check that out when she goes in for the rear suspension issue ASAP.....

She won't be getting driven again until I limp down to the garage anyways....๐Ÿ˜
The garage said a few weeks ago that the water pump ITSELF was fine, no mention was made about any weep hole minds....
Many water pumps have a small hole in them where no coolant should ever be , if a seal wears out coolant weeps out of the hole for all to see giving you a chance to replace it before it gets too drastic.

Tap water is not good for modern engines , emergency use only.

What kind of water should I be using please??


Please excuse my thickness here ....๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ‘
Perhaps it's best if I just get the garage to put a new water pump on her??
She's BEEN around the block ... .

176,000 miles.....๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

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