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S211 E500 Estate - Mine.


Hardcore MB Enthusiast
Mar 11, 2013
South Bucks
CLS63 SB, ML63, CLK350 'Vert, E350 CGI 'Vert, Triumph Sprint (Bike not Dolly...),
2003 Mercedes E500 Elegance Estate | eBay.

There it is, warts and all. The reserve is set at £3k, which I think is reasonable considering what has been spent on it recently to bring it up to snuff. It would be nice if it went to a forum member who would really appreciate it for what it is, but it has to be sold soon come what may. It's also on Gumtree.
Forgot to add, £2750 to a forum member. Looking at the pictures again, it's only a 49/51% decision whether I should sell it or the CLS anyway. It just looks so right, and drives so well...
bargain sleeper If I had less than 5 cars i'd be interested :D they re a beautiful balance V8 power and oomph and the practicality of the estate and that M113 good for another 100K, and a lovely cream wood interior
lucky buyer that will be
It's getting tricky now. I thought I'd priced it deliberately high - £3K reserve on eBay, and £2995 on Gumtree - despite the work done, because it's a Cat N, but I've just been offered £2695, and I think the buyer will meet me half-way from there to the asking price. If not, do I take it, or hang on for a bit more? Cazana valued it at £3695, but they're always high on their prices in my experience. There are plenty of bidders, and 59 watchers, on eBay, but that may disappoint at the end of the auction.

What should I do? I just don't know...
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I my experience with ebay if the money is enough take the cash at least you won't get messed around at the end, i just sold my dads vintage car with over 4000 views and 1400 ish watches still took the offer then sent it to folkestone. Ebay is a good advertising platform but way to many chances 🙂
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It will sell for £3k, it's a cheap car for that price.
Worth £3k all day long imo. Plus it's on the pre- March 2006 RFL, after which it became daylight robbery.
Damn, wife's just told me I can't buy it 😥😥
Now that's a proper car advert, no crap and straight to the point !
I've no need for an estate, but if I did I'd give you your £2750 all day long :)

GLWTS :thumb:
Hi, first post I know, but this looks exactly what I'm looking for, and I'd be very interested at £2750. I will give you a call.
New owner drove it away this morning, very pleased with it. I miss it already, but the CLS is a much more sensible long-term proposition; half the age, half the mileage, lovely colour scheme. I'm still not sure I did the right thing, though...

We have a very similar example for sale if anyone is interested?
Slightly less miles, a year newer, not 'categorised' and a similar price!!
Please see the 'for sale' section or message me for more details.
Perhaps the asking price, at 50% more, isn't quite similar enough? If you Bump your ad, it will bring it back to people's attention on here. Put it on Gumtree for a much wider audience as well.

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