MB Enthusiast
For the expense it's not really worth it - and I disagree a set of headers will give more power than high-lift cams! Backpressure isn't needed either but that's an entirely seperate can or worms...
As i said before, headers don't 'give' power, they maximise it. Bad headers could lose you 25bhp-35bhp easily on the S55 engine. Hot cams will barely give more than 20-25bhp.
Given your take on 'not worth it', cams are a far lower bang per buck ratio than headers. A set of hot cams for the S55 will set you back 3-4k GBP no sweat. running hot cams will also neccesitate an ECU upgrade, so by the tim you factor that in, the bang to buck ratio is awfully low.
I don't see how backpressure is not needed....you done any dyno testing with no exhaust and exhaust fitted?